Well, the battle of the stones seems to be over... for now. (I hope)
I picked up another Hasegawa 48th P-40E today from a pal who's ditching all his 48th props, so now I'm really itchin' to dig into one of 'em.
I wanna get some paint on at least one of the Hawks I've got going before I start a third though. Am having a bit of a time getting the seams from AMT kit's greenhouse insert to go away and that's the main sticking point with that particular project at the moment.
Think I've said this before... I like the AMT kit more and more as I work on it. 'Tis still not up to par in some areas but it's not the dog I once thought it might be. However, the opposite can be said for the Mauve kit. There's a few problems that have manifested themselves since I started work on the kit and some are major annoyances. Oh well, I'm a modeler... I can deal with it...
My buddy Mike is coming down tomorrow and we'll hopefully have a build'n'bull for a few and I may actually get something done. He's started work on a Hasegawa P-40E... and Eagle334 has one that he says he's going to build for this GB... do I hear the words 'common kit' fellas??
Fade to Black...