Jay - hey!!! Still haven't forgotten about the build here... I'll try to come up with something this weekend when I go to the LHS... I've been snowed under with work so I have had little modeling time.. Plus Kremps is staying at the house as she had to evacuate due to Hurricane Katrina... (she was working in one of the mud wrestling joints on Bourbon St.) so it's put a dent in my lifestyle... between her, that parrot and the 2 extra dogs in the house (bringing the total to 5 dogs!!) I haven't rested a bit!
Actually my sister in law and her husband were here with the same scenario (parrot/5 dogs/4 adults in one smallish house)...except my sister in law is a physical therapist and has, to my knowledge - never frequented the mud wrestling places
they are back now staying about an hour north of N.O. and I am fully recovered from the trauma... well... except somehow the parrot and I formed quite the bond and I have been sending her daily emails with no response... kinda like Romeo and Juliet I figure...
I'll update ya on the build... I was thinking about the Corsair at my local Hobby Lobby but $90 would put a crimp (not a Kremp) in the budget right now...