Great build, Mitch! Don't know if mine will turn out that well, but here's a progress update: engine-100%, fairings-inside painted X-18...waiting to build courage to go ahead and airbrush TS-51 on outside, exhaust assembled trying to decide on a realistic looking color since I'm not thrilled with how X-32 titanium silver turns out- looks too plastic IMHO, wheels built painting carbon discs and adding pinstripe decals to rims, frame assembled and painted, detail up forks temporarily attached. After I spray the panels and finish with the swingarm and some touch ups, I'm at a stopping point awaiting my C/F decals from scale motorsport. Will ask the wife to help post pics tomorrow. Might not be as nice as the last M1 shown, but Mitch seems to be a hard act to follow! Oh well, my Valencia RC should be here soon, we'll see what I can bang out with that one. Again, nice one Mitch!