Mr. Tilley
thank you for your "timely" advice. I will look into this for the decking. I guess you probably croaked when you looked at my deck, but all in all, I like your advice. Now, I will say in honestly, I was wondering about the true spacing of all of the fastenings. Ignorance of decking is obvious here on my ship, but, I am happy to note that you chimed in so that I can investigate.
No, it doesn't take long at all to do this on the deck. Now, that I have thought about it right now, I am wondering if I should have taken a pencil and instead of making a hole, make a simulated plug using the pencil tip to make (not a hole) but a "dot" to represent the plug. However, I have found with a little extra sanding, the holes are filling up leaving or revealing a mocked up "plug" !
I will say that my models so far, I guess I strive for balance. The balance that I strive for is this formula:
Accuracy & precision
Time devoted to the project = my own enjoyment (satisfaction)
I guess I look at things like this to keep myself from going "nuts" over a project becuase I am just as perfectionist as the next modeler. I have come to the conclusion that:
1) who all will be looking at my model.
2) will they know enough about the ship to make critical comments about it.
3) am I satisfied with the work enough to realize the mistakes and the "I should have done this to it syndrome" and still be overall pleased with the final result.
I have found that coupled with this and the all of the great people on this forum to help, then I am VERY pleased with it all.
Again, thanks Mr. Tilley for you most timely help and advice. I assure you that it is welcomed and I most all the time take advantage of your advice and put it into practice !!! Why, so that I will become a better modeler rasing the bar to make better ships.