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Auto racing GB March 2007-2008

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  • Member since
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Posted by F1champ on Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:53 PM
Very nice work seebee I can't wait until I get a chance to do another F1 model.
  • Member since
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  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:01 AM
Won't argue on that one, but thought it better to use the dark background for the majorily white car. Tried to take some suspension pics on light background, but yet again my digicam frustrated the living daylights out of me. In macro mode it gets in the way of it's own flash, throwing shadows over the subject. And it's rainy here, so I cannot go out in natural light... Will maybe later take the same pics on light background, just gotta run now.
  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Central Texas
Posted by NucMedTech on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 7:27 AM
SeaBee- WoW!!! It came out really well! As for criticism I'll leave that to more expierenced car builders, but I like the way it came out. Picture related though a lighter background might enable people to see the darker details more clearly, like suspension and such. Once again though a very nice model.Cowboy [C):-)]

Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 2:18 AM

Okay, here it is... The frontside pic also shows decal issues, looks much worse on the pic than IRL... Very nice kit to build, only issue is the blue-white masking on the sidepod.

From the high side:


Side shot:

As allways open for critic, only way to learn... I'm terribly aware of the bad join between the nosecone and the monocoque, no need to tell me about that as well! 

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Monday, September 10, 2007 11:44 PM

Howzit guys,

Been  out of town on holidays for a bit, so not much happened. Thanks for the comments. Got the car finished, and will try to get the Future on today and get some pics soon afterwards. Small fitment prob on the sidepod, but might've been me misinterpreting some instructions earlier. It just does not close properly... Blush [:I]

Man, I just love those Nascar kits, but they're not available here. Maybe I should just pluck my finger out my ear and get one over. Would love to see those built! 

  • Member since
    November 2004
  • From: Freeport, IL USA
Posted by cdclukey on Thursday, September 6, 2007 11:15 AM

Just two little notes:

The Cobra is done, and I'll have completion pics in a few days.

Also, in a few days I'll be starting a build with my two older kids. It's the first paint-and-glue model for each of them, so I'll be the "co-builder" and definitely I'll be applying most (maybe all) of the decals.

Theese are the kits, both are Revellogram in 1/24 scale:

Bill Elliot's McDonalds Taurus

Todd Bodine's Tabasco Grand Prix


  • Member since
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  • From: Nashville, TN area
Posted by bobbaily on Friday, August 31, 2007 8:14 PM

Some nice work being turned out here.

I've been awol for awhile.  This life thing is getting in the way of my hobbies....anyway, I ended up stripping the acrylic off of the Willy's and repainting, using Krylon straight out of the can.  Had a bit of orange peel, so I wet sanded and shot a heavy coat of Krylon.  Looks much better.  For me, black is a hard color to get 'right'.  I'm hoping to polish it out this weekend and shoot a coat of Future and get the decals on soon.  Then on to the engine & chasis....



  • Member since
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  • From: Central Texas
Posted by NucMedTech on Friday, August 31, 2007 7:55 PM
Seabee-Sign - Ditto [#ditto] what F1champ said. It looks really nice. Lets me know I still have a lot to learn when it comes to car modeling.( And any other modeling-LoL) Looking forward to the final product.Cowboy [C):-)]

Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger

  • Member since
    May 2006
Posted by F1champ on Monday, August 27, 2007 1:04 PM
nice work seabee! that's coming along nicely. Cant wait to see the finished product.
  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Sunday, August 26, 2007 1:04 AM

Some progress, with pics even! Smile [:)] Conditions weren't good, so excuse the quality of the pics. Almost done, even wheels are 90% done. Just a couple more decals and then it's basically done, hope to finish later today!

View from the top:

Engine bay (the airbox was deliberately removed)


  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 6:37 AM

At least I'm not the only one with that problem! I tend to buy more than I can build!  

Man, was I underwhelmed this weekend... After struggling quite a bit to get it right, I pitch up at the model to find one of those aero deflectors (well, one whole side's) to have been broken off in my absence. And not just brokenm off, completely gone and removed all evidence. I have my suspicions - and those do not include the dogs, the mrs or the 18-month-old daughter... Now I'm sort-of stuffed there. I can either leave the remaining side's deflectors on and just hope nobody notices the other side or take that off and have it look a bit more "balanced" even if it's not right. I'm sure you guys understand that I was so PO'ed that I did not even want to build over the weekend!

Yesterday I decided to take up the challenge again. I am going for the "hoping-no-one-will-notice" option at this stage, will just display the car with the correct side facing. You eagle-eyed bunch will of course see it on all the front-on pics - even if I did not tell you! I attached the engine to the monocoque. Why one earth that protrusion (over which the engin must slide to mount) was so long, I don't know. To make life easier I cut it off so that there's just a stub remaining to help with allignment.

Hopefull to mount all of that onto the floorpan tonight. Might also attach the nosecone. Once that's all sorted, it's just wheels, mirrors and antannae I can think of. 

  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Central Texas
Posted by NucMedTech on Monday, August 20, 2007 12:29 PM
SeaBee-Thanks for the kind comments and advice with this build. It really helped. Since I started this project I've collected four more cars to build, but they will have to wait until other projects get finished. Good luck with the FW24, I'll be back to check on progress although I'm sure it will come out great.Cowboy [C):-)]

Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Thursday, August 16, 2007 2:09 AM
Hey NMT, that's some nice-looking cars! I've done both of them, a see-through version on the Porsche, with some SMS CF templates as help. Your's came out real well. Ironically, it seems we have much the same taste, as I've also done the R390. Love the colourscheme, it comes out real well.

My moment of truth is looming for the FW24. I'm just shy of slapping it all together on the seperate sub-assemblies onto the floorpan. Keep promising to take some pics before then, so maybe tonight...

Dan, I thought of this only belatedly, but think you'll find some good ref pics on a site called project34, should you need some.
  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Central Texas
Posted by NucMedTech on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:28 PM

Belated welcome Dan.Sign - Welcome [#welcome]Your engine is looking good. Did the wiring come with the kit or is it something you added? I've just completed my first two cars and I'm interested in how to detail my engines further.

Speaking of which, here are my completed models.


I really enjoyed building these kits, so much so that I bought Tamiya's Avex Dome NSX and the R390 GT. I'd like to thank everyone for their help with my models.Cowboy [C):-)]

Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:05 AM

Interesting - maybe a later-season version? All the pics I have at work are whithout it. At least I think I now know what you're talking about! BTW, I have a fun pic of the BAR004 "taken apart" - do you have it or should I post it for you? BTW, the decals are brilliant. You don't need to worry about them. I did a 004 mock-up (did not do a full conversion!) on a F2001 using the S27 decals and they simply flew on. 

Will also check on the dogs tonight. I've had the lap-sitting problem over the weekend and last night when I was baby-sitting our daughter. Building is a no-go! Then I sat her down on the chair in the study so I could just quickly do something. Cleared my windows screens, just desktop. Next thing I see is the windows bar coming up, she puts the pc to sleep, she wakes it up, then starts trying passwords! At 18 months old, we have a little demon... Yesterday evening was "heat-shield" evening. Applied the paint to the floorpan and the foil to the rear wing. Darn tricky when it's allready built up - let that be a lesson. I unhinged one side, glued back together in the same slot, so I hope it's still straight (that was roundabout the time my windows shutdown/hibernate/restart logo popped up!) At least for the rest of this build I'm ahead of the ball-game, or so I think, since I've completed a lot of the work allready. Just putting all together and I think a couple more decals end definately some details to add. Suddenly the end is in sight. Which is good, since I'm going on leave shortly!

  • Member since
    October 2005
  • From: Shoreview, MN
Posted by Il Leone on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:44 PM


I have Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, easier for you to google than for me to explain.  But pretty much lazy lap dogs, once they grow up!  Big Smile [:D]

The wing I was referring to is located on the very back of the rear wheel flip-ups.  It went all the way across the rear cowl area and was right in front of the rear wings.  I have to search my memory, but I think BAR was the first team to use this and most teams followed suit fairly quickly.  For 2004, it is black and is also part of the rear cowling.  BAR had, from front to back, red, tan and black on the rear cowl.  The red and tan are decals, more on that later, with the black being painted.  The trick will be to glue in the wing without creating a huge nasty seam line.  

The side pod flip-ups you were referring to are also some nasty little monsters.  Thank heaven they are white, but should be real fun polishing out the paint.  So far the rear suspension looks 1000% better than the McLaren I finished.  Sigh [sigh] We won't go into that one.   I'm just having small coronaries overthe red decals.  If they are typical S27, should be no issue.  Just a few nights of VERY delicate decalling.  If not, well then...Taped Shut [XX]  The only major screw up on the kit is the exhaust ports.  The BAR had round pipes coming out a round hole on the cowl.  S27 molded the exhaust ports as if they were the headers themselves.  Oh well, insert some tubing and it will look fine.  

Back to the grind.  BTW, anyone else out there going to IPMS Nats in LA?  


  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Friday, August 10, 2007 6:21 AM

Haha, Il Leone, the lion with a memory of an elephant! Wink [;)] A pup is allways a good reason to take a break in your modeling. Just beware, at times they also cause breaks in your models... Good to have you back! What pup is it?

Something you said baffled me and had a quick look at my reference pics. Far as I can tell, the BAR004's side-pod-winglet (at the lack of a better word) is white, same as the rest of the body. Which would make it being molded in a goodis thing. Was this for a specific race version where it says it must be different that I might have missed it? I have a 2002/3 season yearbook with nice pics, so if they have a BAR pic of that race, I'll try to confirm. Very handy book, having the F2002 in 1:12 and two FW24's at the very least I can think of from that season I have to build!

GDIST is THE website to make you come back to earth! Absolute stunning work - better than my 1:20's!

Dan, sorry about the misunderstanding! Blush [:I]

At the very moment I am cursing all engineers at Williams and Tamiya. These air defelctors around the front suspension is a real right and royal pain the butt. And I haven't even started with the bigger of the two, which might want me to break down everything upto now. Let's hope for the best! Really the first thing in this whole kit that is a bit of an issue. Maybe I'm overcomplicating it.

  • Member since
    October 2005
  • From: Shoreview, MN
Posted by Il Leone on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 3:54 PM

Greetings one and all.  Still alive here, but been working on the Tamiya 1/32 Zero for the last 6 months.  All done now (and it doesn't even qualify for the Pearl Harbor GB) Censored [censored] but that's life.  Anyway, next on deck is the S27 2004 BAR.  Boy does that kit give a couple of heart issues.  The body mounted wing is also molded to the real cowl.  And of course a different color than the rest of the chassis.  Figures. Confused [%-)] I've added the front wing supports and flushed them with the body.  Now prepping the rest of the parts for primer. 

Also on deck is the Tameo 1/43 Jordan 191, which of course was M. Schumacher's first F1 ride.  Really cool kit, nice detail.  Couple of huge issues.  For some silly reason Tameo molded the underside of the tub with the pan.  Which of course when you put the pan up to the body there are these monster size gaps that appear.  Sign - Oops [#oops] So, taking a lesson from Akihiro Kamimura I'm going to cut off the lip and solder it to the bottom of the body.  (BTW, if you don't know his website, "God Dwells in Small Things" look it up.  What that man does in 1/43 should be considered a world treasure.) 

Pictures to follow if and when I can drag myself from the workbench long enough to download them.  SeaBee will like this, delay forthcoming in modeling.  New puppy on the way. Big Smile [:D]

Cheers all,

Il Leone

  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 8:54 AM

 SeaBee wrote:
Dan, unless I'm seriously mistaken, it's very easy to tell the diffs between 76 and 77 P34's - they used a completely different colourscheme. In 77 they used the scheme you're building, white on the blue with some bank's sponsoring. In 76 it was just bright yellow decals on blue with very little sponsoring - from memory I think it was justabout only elf.

What was I thinking, I should have expected this remark, you're right about how easy it is to see the differences between the two seasons, but what I ment was that the picture I have doesn't show the complete car, only the engine and part of the wing-mount.  Besides, it's not an orriginal picture from the 70's, it's P34 being restored. 

On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 1:13 AM
Dan, unless I'm seriously mistaken, it's very easy to tell the diffs between 76 and 77 P34's - they used a completely different colourscheme. In 77 they used the scheme you're building, white on the blue with some bank's sponsoring. In 76 it was just bright yellow decals on blue with very little sponsoring - from memory I think it was justabout only elf.
  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 1:21 PM

Minor update picture : transmission assambly...

 SeaBee wrote:
I know there were some small changes on the car, esp the nose, between 76 and 77.

On the picture I have there seems to be two oil coolers, one on each site of the wing, however on a detailed drawing and on the kit, there is only one cooler, the one on the right side of the wing.  Might that be a change on the 1/1 that was not changed on the kit ?  The picture I have doesn't reveal what season it was taken, and neither does the drawing.

Also discovered a couple of minor color mistakes from Tamiya, mainly one the front suspension area and a corrugated tube that doesn't seem to be in the kit (also on the front suspension).

On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 1:51 AM
In the second release they may have added another (white) sprue, since the kit comes with two top cowlings and two seats, one on a smaller white sprue and another in the original blue sprues. Apart from the different color I can't seem to find any other differences. If you really want a P34, than I guess you don't have much choice, but don't expect this kit to be at the same level of quality as other Tamiya kits though.

On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 1:17 AM

Nearly got myself that kit the other day! Reason for the confusing copyright dates is they came out with the 77 Monaco version a couple of years ago (can't imagine it having been that long ago!) which was basically a rereleased 76 version. Don't know what was changed except for the decals in the kit itself. (From what you said, not much!)

I know there were some small changes on the car, esp the nose, between 76 and 77. Obviously I'm thinking of converting it back to the 76 version, as it was driven by Jody Schekter, should I get one.

  • Member since
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Monday, August 6, 2007 9:15 AM

Thanks for the welcome Smile [:)]  The kit is the old Tamiya Tyrell P34 (1977 Monaco GP), the white and blue six-wheeler.

The kit seems pretty old, although the copyright stuff says 2001, my guess is that it's a least 15 years older than that.  I even had to close up a battery compartement, so the orriginal issue of this kit must have been motorized. 

Edit : I just realized, Seabee that you have seen the above pictures before, since I started this kit for the F1 GB over a year ago. 

On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Monday, August 6, 2007 9:08 AM

It's got wheels, it's been raced, it's eligable! Wink [;)] Dan, I was allready running with some of my stuff before the GB officially started, so absolutely no worries there in my opinion.

Looks like you allready put some effort into that engine wiring. What kit is it? 

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Monday, August 6, 2007 7:59 AM

Hi, I'm afraid I'm a little confused about the rules of this GB.  What I would like to know is, if it is alright to enter with a partially built model.

I have this old Tamiya F1 kit for which I already assembled the engine and a few other parts. I don't exactly remember why I had put this kit aside (but I do know the fit isn't what we are now used to with Tamiya).

So if it is ok, I would like to join in on this GB with this little kit, if a fresh kit is needed to join, just let me know and I'll go shopping...


On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Monday, August 6, 2007 3:43 AM
Sorry for laughing with (not at!) you... white is a pain! With my current workbench I should know - white-based liveries on 3 models simultaniously... Just how daft could I have been! Silver can also be a real headache at times. But it's looking real good, well done on the decals!

My MP4/2 is still wondering whether I can do anything to it except for the bodywork that was painted and... yes, still nothing else. Maybe this weekend! The FW24 got some more decals, some build progress and is going along slowly but surely. I did the front suspension over the weekend. Decided to try for a CF look, painted, not decalled. (OTB build, remember!) And then... realised the rear suspension, allready long assembled, is painted semigloss black. Censored [censored] So now in the process of repainting that by hand, still the smoke layer to come tonight.

As for the decalling - I have an interesting situation. I've ended up using a mix of the supplied Tamiya decals and the S27 ones. "Issues" I had with the S27 ones were that the decals for the rear cowling weren't split up to accommodate the split in the cowling (both on the Allianz and the BMW Power with the fuel flaps, not yet applied). The other big thing was the silver line running on the top of the sidepod. The S27 one has a very handy feature in that the white partition is included in the indent, thus enabling you to mask easier. Having gone for the proper masking option, this would not have been such a bif deal... had I not allready installed the sidepod winglets. So there I also went for Tamiya's line-only option. Obviously I went with the Tamiya lines for the rest of that section to avoid colour differences. Apart from that, decals went on fine and the worst part of the build thusfar was masking for the blue.
  • Member since
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  • From: Central Texas
Posted by NucMedTech on Sunday, August 5, 2007 10:37 PM

Well, here are my pics of this weekends progress.

Solvaset hasn't finished working on the decal, hopefully it will smooth out better.

I still need to put the clear coat on (plus the final polish) and then the final detail parts. Hope to finish it by this upcoming weekend.Cowboy [C):-)]

Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger

  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Central Texas
Posted by NucMedTech on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 12:58 PM

Looking forward to the R10, hopefully we'll see more Le Mans cars in plastic.

As for my projects- I've started decaling the Merc. Going slowly to try and keep everything aligned correctly. So far it is going well, I have the driver's side and top finised.

I had problems with painting the Porsche. Did not know white would bee this difficult to airbrush. So I cleaned it of and started again, I think it is going much better this time. I'll try to get pics up this weekend.Cowboy [C):-)]

Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Friday, July 27, 2007 1:30 AM
Nope, not even available in SA yet! But will grab one soon as I can. Some of the newer Revell stuff are stepping up in quality, hope this is another improvement. Even if it just makes a nice curbside, I'd go for it. Will fit nicely next to the R8 I built for earlier in this GB.

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