Thanks to DesertRat, I've got a chance here to post a little intelligent thinking, rare for me...
I'm going to build two airplanes for the GB. The first will be a C-54 Skymaster. Basically, I'm a 1/72 airliner guy who does military (mostly) in between commercial kits as he finds them. Some time back I picked up the Heller DC-6, which I thought went together really well, and just looked like a real airplane, and did a United Mainliner with aftermarket decals.
Then, fastforward through military stuff, I bought another one, which came from eBay with (unadvertised) a set of engines, windows, and noradome nose parts, plus very aggressive chopping diagrams, to make a DC-4/C-54. Made by "Mullet Models", never heard of..
(insert redneck joke here but I'm not going there)
Goes to the shelf. But, why but for God's grace I found (really) this forum and I'm really happy to be corresponding with you all.
This airplane will be built by just butchering the DC-6, substituting the Mullet stuff, plus some props from the box under the bench, and an all metal finish, using USAF decals from the old stuff binder. Any good color scheme ideas or decal sources are welcome news!
Here is the B-man's shop:
I'm sorry it's such a mess. No, really.
My real interest is reading, in addition to modeling. So, any model I do usually involves a lot of time on the www (isn't this cool) researching specific aircraft.
Airplane the second:
An F-82. Like I say, I'm not a single seater type, or single engine, and yes the F-101 mostly is two crew, I know. I need a nightfighter for the wall. Is that within SAC? If not, an arctic scheme out of Elmendorf sounds good.
Sorry for the blather. And I've got to go back to the shop to feed Airman Jim.
In the shop:
C-47 98% needs all the finicky little antennas and whiskers.
C-46 50 % waiting for the modeller to get off the damn web and paint it.
C-054 0%
F-82 much later, like September.
C-124 I hope he's still breathing till his card goes through.