Alrighty, Great and interesting bio's.. Bonndo Terrific story on how you met your Wife.. Classic Romance material
Myself I am 45, been married to the same lady (met her at a 7-11 store )for 19 years. We have two children - My Daughter whom is 18 and a senior in HS and a son who is 14 thats Played Varsity Baseball last season and lettered and is currently in the Boy Scouts. (plus I am also a Scoutmaster) Both really good kids.
Bondo it looks like my Daugter will be going to college at East Bay.. You might have to take over the job of chasing off the punks.. I will give you models
I have had two lines of work - Ranching and Heavy Equpment Mechanic. [Oh yeah I was also once worked as a Gunfighter for tourist entertainment] When I was working as a mechanic the 12 hr days and travel time would make me a grumpy guy. So I would usually take a break in the Fall through late Spring and apply my skills as a buckaroo and clear my head ... Had less taxes to pay that way also..
Models were scarce to the simple life I grew up to. But after In my twenties I would buy kits "to build for that day when I had time" In mid twenties built "Pro Stock" racecar models till the after market goods burned me out by making me to detailed oriented.. As I felt that expected of a build.. I blame Scale Modeler for pushing that... I quit modeling for several years but still picked up kits mostly aircraft and few armor. Since I was a young lad I had always wanted a ceiling decorated with aircraft..
I retired at 40 mainly due to several inuries that made it impossible to stand 12 + hrs a day.
My wife decided to go back to school and finish her Teaching degree at that time. (I think I made her crazy being home )
Always been a loner but have made more real good friends from this forum then through life.
A Very Young Buckaroo - my Moustache back then was from Hot Coco !
When I was working (that was the baby shovel - should of seen the 5500)
And more recent times goofing off at the Ranch
I enjoy spending time with my Wife and kids, building models, collecting models, Light scale Mountaineering (Body does not cooperate much anymore) collecting models, Mtn Biking with the family, collecting models, chatting with my Forum friends and overlooking the River in my backyard and sometimes collecting a few more model kits.
That is the Readers Digest condensed version.