Next year, thats about 27 days from now! Seriously folks you have done quite well for yourselves. This stringbag stuff is a little intimidating to many. They buy a kit but are afraid to really get it done for fear of "messing up". You that have stepped up and even started are braver than others. But your builds will encourage others to try. Showing how easy it is will put fears out of the picture.
To others that have yet to slap glue to plastic (or resin) have nothing to worry about. Its all about honing your skills for the next one. Good references are key and knowing who does good research is sometimes tough. I remember the old Profile series of booklet monographs. The Datafiles are always a great place to start and now the Osprey series if Aircraft of the Aces and Aviation Elite Units is prime. Sometimes just picking an aircraft series is interesting. Like someone who does all Focke Wulf variants it can develop into a life long study.
Here is a bit of fun I'll share with you. In the last days of 1918 some of the Fokker Schwerin aircraft had a sharp rise in structural failure. Not the wings but rudders and tail unit areas. Some were seen to detach in mid air during manouvres. It was finally discovered that the real problem was in the shops that the welding was done in. The large bay doors at each end were opened during the day to get the heat out and breathable air in.
Now what happens when you mix cool air currents and welding? Micro air bubbles in the welds tended to weaken the joint. Something that could not be detected with the naked eye. Like the Apollo 13 mission. Problems were installed unwittingly at the factory level before the machine was ever completed.