Build Update:
Panzer 1 Build Hours:
Assembly: 15 hours
Painting & Weathering the interior: 6 Hours
Painting & Weathering the Exterior: 10
Aggregate Build Time: 31 hours
Hi everyone I almosted added a removing Warpage sub category but in the end just chalked it up to expererience. California Bill talked me out of walking away from the whole thing yesterday and building a DML PZ.1 that I saw at my LHS when I stopped to buy some more paint. I am not used to being defeated especially by plastic so I worked last night until 3:30 am and took a vacation day and hit it hard today.
Here it is ready to paint with some shots with Cobra Commander!
I primed it and basecoated it with three lights coats of Tamiya XF-63 German Grey and also lightened the last coat with a little light grey and white in order to add some color modulation. I also stressed the paint becasue I wanted it to show thorugh and not to show through pristine but beat up and abused.
I then used some Firm Hold Crew styling gel applied with a paint brush to the ares I wanted the paint to chip and show through. I also use that on my hair everyday it does a great job and I highly recommend it.
I dryed the gel with my bench blow dryer and then mixed up a 80\20 mix of Model Master Acryl Armor Sand and White Primer. I painted three light coats and then waited one hour.
I then took my old toothbrush which I used to use everyday and a bowl of water and started scrubbing. I also used a stiff metal brush and stippled it on the areas I wanted to chip and weather.
I chose to use MIG Productions Dry Transfers because I wanted to weather and age them and was not sure how to do that with regular water slide decals other than sealing them and weathring over the top. It took a couple to get it right and old and faded enough.
I then applied two light coats of Model Master Flat Clear Acryl to seal the paint job and the upper hull is ready for final details and weatehring.
My next steps will be the muffler and pioneer tools. I might add a filedmod scratch built jerry can rack to the back as well.
I am back!!