Thanks, Bill, Wingnut, and Indy! Sorry about the soft hands, the last couple months have been at my desk, not my workbench.
Today, I tried my HANDS at hairspray chipping. I took some Mr Surfacer 1000 and primed the interior several weeks ago, then I took some MMgunmetal and sprayed the interior surfaces, and highlighted some transmission structures with aluminum, and some high wear areas drybrushed with steel. Then I coated it with some hairspray, but it was late, so I let it sit. Out of caution, I recoated it with hairspray today, and discovered that more is not always better, I got some cracking on the areas where there was too much hairspray.
Anyway, this is a captured vehicle, so I figured the Germans would have sprayed the interior as well as the exterior, I chose MM Panzer buff interior. I let it sit for 1 hour, and went at it with various tools, a stiff brush, my favortie was a pointy file, I used it to make random scratches and to start teh chipping for the brush to attack the paint.
It "got away" from me in a couple places, but all in all I'm pretty happy and think I can refine the trechnique, not bad for a first attempt.
On to the pictures, please let me know what you think!
And finally, an idea of how it will look with the roof on:
Sorry about the slow updates, it's tough to get to the bench, and even harder to get better with such little practice.
Thanks for looking and weighing in,