the doog
CallSIgnOwl, that StuG IV is he perfect tank to apply that method I used in the tutorial--make sure you don't glue on the return rollers--the little wheels on the top row. That will help you to remove the tracks after they've solidified, and make it easy to reapply them after they're painted.
but what if I was a dummkopf and glued on the little return rollers already?
Uh....oops....didn't read through the article, did ya?
Hmm,....well, did you use a lot of glue? Can you pry them off? Seriously, it would be the best thing to do, if you want to learn this technique. It would make things a lot easier.
If not, I would literally clip off the outside roller. That would leave you with one "inside" roller glued on. Clean up the remaining stub so that it's smooth on both the remaining attached inside roller, and the clipped-off outside wheel. Then make your tracks, form them on the remaining roller, get your "sag", etc---and then re-apply the tracks.
THEN, add the outside return rollers. Add a small length of round sprue--you could simply pare it off of a piece of thinner round sprue--and use it for a replacement "axle", so to speak---and simply super-glue them onto the wheels and then in place, using the track itself as an additional attachment point. I seriously doubt anyone would even know that you'd repaired it so.