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The Officially Shameless PBY/Halloween '09 GB

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  • Member since
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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:19 PM
Since this tread was close to the top of the page, it looked like a good read.  Where are all the WIP pictures ? You guy need to make sure you keep after Nam to build something.  Speaking of Lt  I am surprised you did not choose to model Jimmy Buffet's Island Hopper Rum Runner PBY Pirate [oX)] ...Oh well back to the paint booth. I seen to think I have a couple of these kits buried away deep in the Tomb of Stash somewhere...
Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
  • Member since
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Posted by namrednef on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:19 PM


Frankie to the rescue!

  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by namrednef on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:18 PM


BVD here!

That plane was a PBY-5 Catalina I. Serial # W8406, WQ Z of RAF 209 Sq......with American co-pilot Lt(jg) Leonard B. 'Tuck' Smith aboard.

I'm reading from a ref book, PBY 'In Action'......any more info you need, I'll try to describe or help you find, Aaron.

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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:12 PM

Aaron- Ask, and ye shall receive...

Wink [;)]



  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:09 PM
 Ok now that admin stuff is taken care of. Let me ask my question here. Does anyone have any profiles of a PBY-5 in British service? I was thinking about the one that chased and spotted the Bismark but have no idea of it's markings, codes or if it was a -5 type. Any help is appreciated. All hail the BVD.
  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by namrednef on Thursday, November 20, 2008 9:57 PM


Plenty of room Hot-Pb! Front page now has you added! Welcome aboard!

  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:53 PM
 I don't think it will be an issue as long as you have a comfortable elastic waistband. When the illustrious BVD arrives he shall tend to your request I am sure!
  • Member since
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  • From: Long Island, NY
Posted by Hot-Pb on Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:34 PM

Room for one more cat in the build? My LHS had the Revell PBY on display and I just couldn't resist, I'm planning on doing it up as a black cat.


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by namrednef on Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:41 PM
 RichardI wrote:

Thanks a lot for the nudge, Nam. The instructions really aren't very clear when showing where to put the IP.

NP RichardI.....but as KingThad has mentioned.....this PBY fuse is not an easy join.....dryfit......line everything up and use your best techniques to glue it little by little while keeping your seams even and step-free.

.....and don't wrap elastic bands over fresh glue! They tend to become part of the model!Laugh [(-D]

  • Member since
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  • From: Canada
Posted by RichardI on Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:11 PM

Thanks a lot for the nudge, Nam. The instructions really aren't very clear when showing where to put the IP.

And KINGTHAD, I never let anyone near my models..Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg] Rubber bands, eh? Sign - With Stupid [#wstupid]

Anyway, thanks both.

Rich Cool [8D]

On the bench: 1/48 Revell PBY Catalina 0A-10A. Next up: Moebius 1/24 Chariot from Lost in Space.

  • Member since
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  • From: Dallas
Posted by KINGTHAD on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:23 AM

Be sure to invite a few friends over when closing the fuse up. You can never have to many hands or rubber bands or clamps or........


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by namrednef on Thursday, November 20, 2008 9:39 AM


Sorry....forgot this.

Choose the position of your control yoke and GLUE it in place! It can fall from it's mounting if the cockipt seats are even slightly mine are!Laugh [(-D]

And it's hell to get back in place!

  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by namrednef on Thursday, November 20, 2008 9:34 AM


Hi Richard!

The IP locates against a raised molding that's located just aft of the fuselage locating pin on the top of the hull, just aft of the turret area. Install the IP before you install the pit if it's not too late!

The molded IP is fine as it is if you feel like painting it. The decal is just a teensy bit out of register with the molded detail, but doesn't look bad with use of enough decal solvent.

Keep in mind when joining the fuse halves:

You have 4 bulkheads and the IP to fit into their slots when joining the fuse. Not real tough, but dry fit a couple times to be sure of alignment.

Pay attention to the fit of the louvered door in the nose. Dryfit it! You may have to choose where to glue first as it may leave a big gap to one side.

Also, Daywalker sent me actual pics showing the mooring cable molded on the port fuse half. It runs down and ends on the foreward part of the hull just ahead of the nose gear. There is no molding of the cable on the bottom of the starboard fuse half. You should just nip off the bottom of the cable and blend it into the hull. No one is ever gonna see it anyway.....but if you leave it as is, It can be seen and looks dumb.

I have some pics that will be up in a little while. 

  • Member since
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  • From: Canada
Posted by RichardI on Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:25 AM

Trying to figure out where the instrument panel goes, and, more importantly, how it goes..

There is a rather nice looking grey plastic panel with raised instruments, and a decal (#1 I think). How the heck does this work? I looked at the decal and it seems to be so light that I could hardly find it. I would normally just paint the panel flat black, then pick out the instruments by a combination of drybrushing, and a spotter brush. But where the heck does it mount Big Smile [:D]? Nam??


Rich Cool [8D]


On the bench: 1/48 Revell PBY Catalina 0A-10A. Next up: Moebius 1/24 Chariot from Lost in Space.

  • Member since
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Posted by simpilot34 on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 10:25 AM
 bondoman wrote:
 lewbud wrote:

As to Aaron with the Cat in the tub, hopefully he takes the sub out first.

Man, that's an image I don't need!

Sign - Ditto [#ditto]Laugh [(-D]

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 1:12 AM
 lewbud wrote:

As to Aaron with the Cat in the tub, hopefully he takes the sub out first.

Man, that's an image I don't need!
  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 11:37 PM


My point wasn't that it wasn't harmful to ducks, I know that.  My point was that they used a bogus argument using a "more beautiful" animal, when they had an actual legitimate argument which I could have understood.  As to Aaron with the Cat in the tub, hopefully he takes the sub out first.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:52 PM
 bondoman wrote:


Aaron that is a great 'cat, big sucker too! How do you fit in in the tub with you?

 Yes it is very big and does need a bath. I want to repair it as it has suffered through some of the old Army travels and moving jobs. Missing a side bubble window and some antenna but could be worse.

What's bad is I have committed to makeing 2 more of the -5's in the same scale. I am going to do my namedest to get on them as soon as I get a handle on this 251 that is giving me fits!

Confused [%-)] Seems time is at a premium this holiday season.

  • Member since
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  • From: Connecticut, East of the River
Posted by tlivancso on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:37 PM


You can get BBs at Cabella's in East Hartford, I recently bought 2500 for about 6 bucks and change.



IPMS Member #42958 /  AMPS Member #2091

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Like Alice "I try to believe in three impossible things before breakfast"

  • Member since
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Posted by namrednef on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:31 PM


You Folks!Laugh [(-D]

Talk about taking an idea and disecting it!

My roommate is a fisherman from our childhood.....I think the lead split-shot sinkers he gave me are from way back when!

I believe Buddy is right on with his assessment of the lead sinker controversy. I rather doubt that a duck could see a lead shot on a lake/stream bottom. bNow if some hunter was banging away at a flying duck and loaded said duck with lead shot, and said duck dropped into the drink.....well, I'm still wondering how said deceased duck got into the food chain.......Confused [%-)]

  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:24 PM
 lewbud wrote:


It's actually steel or an alloy of some sort.  Lead shot was banned over 20 years ago, not because of the dangers of lead poisoning to humans, but to the raptors.  The enviros claimed that the lead shot that fell to lake bottoms would be ingested by waterfowl, who would then be ingested by eagles.  The lead that was in the ducks would then be ingested by the eagles causing them to die of lead poisoning.  No evidence of this was ever found, but it was banned regardless.  Now the lead poisoning argument is being used by animal rights people to ban donations of meat that was shot by hunters to homeless shelters after it's been processed.  No evidence of lead content being higher in hunted meat, but that's not stopping them.  Like the all the growth hormones and chemicals in commercially processed food is any better.  Sorry for the rant.

Thats what I thought. I would debate you on the issue- there's plenty of studies by the State of California that indicate at least to me that lead shot is harmful to wetlands, in particular to ducks- and yeah I know it's harmful to ducks when used as it was intended- but this isn't the place, anyways thanks for the info.

Aaron that is a great 'cat, big sucker too! How do you fit in in the tub with you?

  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:23 PM
Alas no. I have to work and we can't even have mouthwash with alcohol in it on my job. Not supposed to anyways. Ain't too much into those political things being an old soldier at heart but I always have faith that anything based on a lie will befall it's eventual deserves even if it be thru kharma. ( what a bunch of horse hockey eh?) Any how it is good to see everyone well and feeling fiesty! But my original subject question is unasnwered> Why does Nams PBY have internet access?
  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by WarHammer25 on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:22 PM

You can find lead shot at most gun stores. Lead is only banned in California but readily available anywhere else. Steel shot is only required for waterfowl hunting in all other states that I know of. Lead shot, though, sinks when it gets to the water and diver ducks don't dive to the bottom and gravel around in the mud so I can't see that it hurts waterfowl at all. The enviros really have gone overboard with this and now you also have to use all alloy rifle bullets in CA. Sorry for the little rant there. I don't even think you can buy steel shot for reloading shotshells because most shotgun reloaders are competition shooters who use lead. Even with the new steel shot technology, lead is better more most anything. You can buy various sizes from 9 shot (which is small) to possibly OO buckshot (big). It all depends on what size model you are building. Shot is very expensive now though so lead sinkers or copper BBs for BB guns might be better.

And yes, a $20,000 shotgun does usually shoot better than a $500 shotgun. Kind of like racing a Ford Pinto against a Ferrari or flying a 747 against a F-15. Now that all changes when you go out into the field. You don't want to be slugging your expensive gun through the duck swamp or pheasant fields. I do think you should get something with the purchase of a gun that expensive though, but everything gun related are going up in price.

More on topic now, I do play a video game now and then and I picked up Call of Duty 5. It has a mission where you are a gunner on a Black Cat. It is probably one of the best missions on the game. I now want to build a PBY Black Cat as well but I might not be able to. We will see. 

The only easy day was yesterday - U.S. Navy Seals
  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:09 PM


It's actually steel or an alloy of some sort.  Lead shot was banned over 20 years ago, not because of the dangers of lead poisoning to humans, but to the raptors.  The enviros claimed that the lead shot that fell to lake bottoms would be ingested by waterfowl, who would then be ingested by eagles.  The lead that was in the ducks would then be ingested by the eagles causing them to die of lead poisoning.  No evidence of this was ever found, but it was banned regardless.  Now the lead poisoning argument is being used by animal rights people to ban donations of meat that was shot by hunters to homeless shelters after it's been processed.  No evidence of lead content being higher in hunted meat, but that's not stopping them.  Like the all the growth hormones and chemicals in commercially processed food is any better.  Sorry for the rant.


Hitting the Drambuie a little early are we?

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:08 PM
 sfcmac wrote:
 bondoman wrote:

I had no idea lead shot was still available, and here I've been using nuts and bolts all this time..

Another good source if you have a friend at an outo garage is to get old tire balance weights.

Yeah, I'm cheap. But not easy.

I don't know? I've heard a little Drambuoi and you get pretty randy!? Shock [:O]

Who's Randy?

Ahh, Drambuie, the liqueur of Bonnie Prince Charlie! Be ye' a Scot, McNeal? I ken from Clan Morrison meself, an' ain't no finer grog than a Rob Roy, or two, or...

  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:40 PM
 bondoman wrote:

I had no idea lead shot was still available, and here I've been using nuts and bolts all this time..

Another good source if you have a friend at an outo garage is to get old tire balance weights.

Yeah, I'm cheap. But not easy.

I don't know? I've heard a little Drambuoi and you get pretty randy!? Shock [:O]

  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:29 PM

I had no idea lead shot was still available, and here I've been using nuts and bolts all this time..

Another good source if you have a friend at an outo garage is to get old tire balance weights.

Yeah, I'm cheap. But not easy.

  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:17 PM
A 20,000 dollar shotgun? Man that had better come with it's own gun catalog calendar girls or something . WOW. Sounds like what the dentist wants to charge. Let me know if you find that sugar momma! I think Nam has a book deal in the works on that very subect! Tongue [:P] Doesn't Walmart carry BB's? and or fishing weights?
  • Member since
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Posted by lewbud on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 2:08 PM


They do sell in bulk for the reloading crowd.  If you don't have a shop near you, you should be able to order it over the net.  As for BB's, I'd try your local sporting goods store and see if they carry air rifles and BB guns.  I had to resort to bb's when I couldn't find any lead sinkers.  Glad to hear you were able to add weight.


I like Cabella's myself.  Gives me a chance to look at the really expensive guns.  Does a 20,000 dollar shotgun shoot anybetter than a 500 dollar gun?  I don't know, but it's a problem I'd love to be able to solve one day.  Just gotta find the right job, win the lottery, or find a hot sugar momma and get her to marry me.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    October 2004
  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:52 PM

 We have a store down here called Academy. It is a sporting goods store that has BB's and hunting stuff. Even lead fish weights.... (hint hint.... ) No where to fish on the east coast anymore I suspect. I m so lost. Your PBY has an IP problem? Have you contacted your internet provider? Perhaps we should install a wireless router? Sign - Oops [#oops]


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