Wow guys, everything seems to be coming along swimmingly. Dave the flying greenouse, or is it somesort of Umbrella?, is looking purdy.
Heres an update with the confusing Fiat. I say confusing as im still a little unsure as to what goes with what. My main point of reference is the walkaround from pge1 The only problem with that is that its a G.59, backdated to look like a G.55. Mmmm. One of the probs are these bittys,
prts A34, and A37, the destructions say use them, but then again the destructions are for a series,0 and mines a series,1. Told you it was confusing, the walkaround pics dont show them anywhere,
This brings me nicely to the red light, above. The kit has this molded in, but would this have been a post war addon? Heres the kits representation,
Anyhoo, i think ill do a little more delving on the net before a submit. I managed to detail a few more bits though. I did the rear of the radiator,
I also cut out and separated the vacform canopy,
compared to the original,
Almost ready for paint. For some reason i cant help making problems for myself with this kit LOL
Seeing as im in full flow, i did a quick toot for Jeremy with the seatbelts. Heres how i bodge em together. First you need an old cake tin, mmmmmmmcake. and some lead wire or copper. As long as its thinnish,
1stly cut a piece of the tin off and burnish it flat with the blunt end of your scalpel,
next up cut a length roughly to size, (Good refs are vital) and add a half loop about half way,
I then make the buckle. To do this i use my tweezers and bend the wire around them, a side at a time to make a square shap roiughly the same internal width as the belt width,
this is then simply CA'ed to the belt over the half loop you made. I also cut the belt off to....err..belt shape and poked a few eyelets in it,
then a simple coat of Tamiya Khaki and its done,
The whole thing including pics, took about 10mins (And it shows) Take a little more time and you could have genius work in your hands. The good thing about using the cake tim, is the fun eating it, Obviously, and the fact you can bend and glue it easily.