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Weekend Madness GB November 13-15th 2009

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  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Thursday, November 12, 2009 2:50 PM
 dupes wrote:

Anyone read this week's FSM newsletter? Because of a "free weekend" for non-subscribers, you won't be able to log in to the website until Monday. If you have the appropriate cookies on your computer you're ok, but if for any reason you have a required login coming up you won't be able to get on to the forum. Hope this doesn't keep anybody off on such an important weekend. Disapprove [V]

Noon Friday to noon Sunday! Harrier Madness! Cool [8D]

I guess Aaron didn't get Dave's memo....Pirate [oX)]

Last minute trip to the LHS coming up ... Light Gull Gray and RLM 66 needed.

  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:59 PM


It's just gone 9:30am my time, I'm about to snip my first sprue.

I'm now officially underway



  • Member since
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  • From: New Jersey
Posted by oddmanrush on Thursday, November 12, 2009 5:06 PM
I won't be able to kick off til about 10 PM tomorrow night, but that gives me til 10 PM Sunday. I'll post my pre-build picks in a few! Good luck to you all!


My Blog: The Combat Workshop 

  • Member since
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  • From: Kansas City MO
Posted by Dougums on Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:06 PM

I will be starting tomorrow at 10am.  The recon on the spares bin is complete. Now all i need to do is get some isopropyl and clean the bench a little.  The wife threw me a curve ball tuesday when she bought me the new Call Of Duty game (amazing btw).  I had to play the Censored [censored] out of it so it wouldn't be to much of a distraction.  Now if I could only get a babysitter for the weekend Laugh [(-D]


  • Member since
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  • From: Amherst, MA
Posted by M1 A1 A2 Tanker on Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:07 PM
 dioramator wrote:


It's just gone 9:30am my time, I'm about to snip my first sprue.

I'm now officially underway



No fair!!!!! The Aussies got to start first!!!! Boohoo [BH]


Go for it Brett. Nothing but love. Really.

Very cool user name btw.

See ya







“Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.”  ~ Joseph Campbell



  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:14 PM
 dioramator wrote:

It's just gone 9:30am my time, I'm about to snip my first sprue.

I'm now officially underway



WooHoo!!!  We are underway folks!!!   Make a Toast [#toast]Propeller [8-]Tongue [:P]Propeller [8-]


  • Member since
    July 2009
Posted by Axel Smith on Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:26 PM
Sign - Ditto [#ditto] Propeller [8-] ... unfortunatley I can't start yet... Need to wait till tomorrow after school Sign - Dots [#dots] Propeller [8-]

- Alex

'Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V...'

  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:53 PM
 razordws wrote:

WooHoo!!!  We are underway folks!!!   Make a Toast [#toast]Propeller [8-]Tongue [:P]Propeller [8-]

ALLRIGHTY, HERE WE GO!!!  Party [party]Propeller [8-]Big Smile [:D]

Dave- Is it too late to change my build?  I am thinking about building a Corsair. Shock [:O]



  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:11 PM


2 hours down.

I Have just finished in the spray booth, and have everything in primary colour.

where has the time gone, "time flies when you are having fun"

the yellow is not covering too well (I knew I should have gone with the grey... too late now). everything required a good solid 3 coats to get the colour even.

anyway, on with the assembly.

Is anyone else far off starting yet? it's getting lonely here building by myself Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]



  • Member since
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  • From: Amherst, MA
Posted by M1 A1 A2 Tanker on Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:46 PM
 dioramator wrote:

Is anyone else far off starting yet? it's getting lonely here building by myself Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]



Sorry Mate. Being as I'm in the Western USA, I'm at least a little over 5 hours away from when I can start. If I want to start at Midnight!? Which I don't. LOL. But I'm sure some other crazy modelers from other parts of the world will soon join you.

See ya







“Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.”  ~ Joseph Campbell



  • Member since
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Posted by -Neu- on Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:00 PM
Well I better get started too on my 1/72 Hasegawa Hayate. I won't have saturday night free and I can make time tomorrow for my building. Only major problem is that my camera is out of commission, so I've got to make due with my phone camera for today.... so here we go.

The main issue with this model is that its entirely raised panel lines, which will take me the rest of tonight to correct. I'll have some more photos later
Weekend Madness GB tag
  • Member since
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  • From: Hobart, Tasmania
Posted by Konigwolf13 on Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:57 PM

OK, about to start, heres the kit



  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Thursday, November 12, 2009 9:17 PM


welcome aboard Andrew.

I've just passed the four hour mark, got a little bogged down with the wheels for the last couple of hours (pun intended)

Here's where I'm up to.



  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Thursday, November 12, 2009 10:44 PM

Okay, great start Brett.  Looks like you've got a big head start on the rest of us which means you'll be able to sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the rest of us sweat it out later. Wink [;)]

Dupes had me a little worried so I went to my email and checked the notice on the newsletter regarding this weekend.  I'll quote it here...

During the times mentioned above, you will not be able to register for a new account or log in to with an existing account. Reader forum users will be able to post as long as they've logged in and have a cookie set prior to the times mentioned above. The site will be back to normal and open for new registrations at 8am CST Monday, November 16th.

I'm not sure what the part in red refers to but it sounds like the forum should not be affected. Hopefully we will all be able to get on to the site and post our works in progress.  Just don't dump your cookies (sounds bad I know) or you won't be able to get back on until Monday.  If for some reason you are affected by this just continue to take progress pictures and post them all on Monday.


  • Member since
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  • From: Hobart, Tasmania
Posted by Konigwolf13 on Thursday, November 12, 2009 10:55 PM
 razordws wrote:

 Just don't dump your cookies


  • Member since
    May 2009
  • From: Hobart, Tasmania
Posted by Konigwolf13 on Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:09 PM

The Two Hour Mark...

Before starting on th epilot I felt like a copper a football or cricket game, as their was an awful lot of flashing to clean up


Ok enough of helping to turn this in to the bad joke build, I've got the cockpit together. I modified the rather basic paint scheme for the pilot and seat, Google is your friend :D , I may need to touch up the pilots helmet but otherwise cockpit is basically done




  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:37 PM
Criquet?  You got noisey bugs in your house???  Okay, bad joke.  Looks like youare flying on your build Andrew.  Two hours and you got the pit painted and assembled.


  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Friday, November 13, 2009 12:49 AM


Me again...

here I am 7 1/2 hours into the build, and now time to take a break (at last I can breathe again) and stop for dinner.

I've been building like a demon posessed all day (not that you'd know it by looking). I didn't realise how much of a fussy bugger I was, until I tried to will myself to take short-cuts (but couldnt bring myself to do it...)

anyway here it is so far, will be back again this evening for a marathon late night.



  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Friday, November 13, 2009 1:29 AM
OK time to remind everyone to please start a post with the subject, for us oldentimers that cannot remember.
  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Friday, November 13, 2009 1:39 AM

 Go Brett and Andrew!!!!!  Run with it!

As for me I am calling it a night. Got the bench all set up. New stuff! Paints, Brushes, glues, the works!  The Tamiya kit is sitting there waiting for me!  Can I pull it off?  Dunno but I will have a completed Landcaster very soon!

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Friday, November 13, 2009 2:12 AM

Andrew and Brett,

Looking good so far.  Looking forward to LOTS more pics.


You could just leave them be, but you won't will ya?


I got faith in ya pard!  Look forward to seeing the Lanc done by Sunday.

As for myself, I've done my research and decided to do the AC-130 OOB.  Look forward to watching the "Bring the rain" scene from Transformers many times this weekend for inspiration.  Will be starting Saturday after I get off work. 

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Friday, November 13, 2009 2:15 AM

"Here are the rules:  Must post pics at the start of the unbuilt model"- Davidicus I:7

Heres the two kits; the flashmonster and the ford:


  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Friday, November 13, 2009 2:56 AM

 Go Billy Bondo! 

  • Member since
    May 2009
Posted by -Neu- on Friday, November 13, 2009 4:31 AM
Nope Lewbud... I can't help myself. Raised panel lines one of those things I can't let go... so I spent the last few hours rescribing the entire aircraft. I got most of it done without much error and added some rivets with a riveter.

Neither can I a total bare cockpit... so I added some interior aircraft ribbing using styrene (not that you can see that very well with the cruddy cellphone camera) and weathered it really quick. My only other pet peeve which I let go was the decal control panel, but I didn't have any extra PE on hand I could replace it with.

Anyway, I'm going to bed and waiting till morning for the putty to dry. Then I'll give the model a primer coat which I hope will allow me to do some alclading tomorrow evening.
Weekend Madness GB tag
  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Friday, November 13, 2009 5:03 AM


back again for round 2


  • Member since
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  • From: Hobart, Tasmania
Posted by Konigwolf13 on Friday, November 13, 2009 5:10 AM
 dioramator wrote:


back again for round 2



Took some time out for tea and the latest Star Trek movie (seems to of hooked my 10y/o daughter so it cant be to bad). Oh well back to the slave pits



  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Friday, November 13, 2009 5:49 AM


I've just passed the 12 hour mark... I can't believe I am already 1/4 of the way through the build.

there are no more parts left on sprues, everything has been tacked and taped together, and now it's back into the spray booth to tidy up the primary colour, and lay down the camo.



  • Member since
    May 2009
  • From: Hobart, Tasmania
Posted by Konigwolf13 on Friday, November 13, 2009 8:16 AM

1am Saturday here, 11 hours in.

Harrier is mostley built, maskol applied to canopy awaiting painting tomorrow. Wheels and ordnance will be applied after cam is done, but that will have to wait till tomorrow as I dont think the missus or kids would be to happy if I fired up the aircompressor at this time of day (large workshop style not smaller desktop compressor).



  • Member since
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  • From: Coastal Maine
Posted by dupes on Friday, November 13, 2009 9:01 AM

Just about game time for me and BrownEyes, shooting for a noon start. First order of business will be to dip the canopies in future, then prime the Aeroclub white metal ejection seats. They provide waaaaaaay more detail than the kit pieces - hoping that you can see them through the glass!

Assuming the kit decals pan out (going to test one at about 12:05!), we'll be going with the kit provided two-tone markings, British Dark Sea Gray over white. Should look pretty cool. Two different birds to model, and they'll have considerably different weapon loadouts as well.

Very excited! Got everything all planned out, dinner is already in the crock pot so we don't have to waste any time cooking...these are going to be sweet. Good luck everybody! Big Smile [:D]

The obligatory uncut-sprues pic: 

  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Friday, November 13, 2009 9:08 AM


1:30 am here.

16 hours into the build.

that's it for me tonight.

I'm not as far along as I hoped to be at the end of the first day, but the results are better than I expected. not too many set-backs so far, just annoying fussiness.

Hopefully things will continue to run smoothly tomorrow, and with any luck I might even get this build completed.




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