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ME-262: Reich Defender II 10/09-7/10

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  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Sunday, May 9, 2010 1:27 AM

Wow still some nice builds going here should have poked my nose back in sooner. And thanks guys for the panel line info, I should have been loosing the detail I was worried about losing, I will have to remember this as I do plan on building another 262 in the future. Now I have to get some projects out of the way so I can get to my FW-190 Stick out tongue

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Sunday, May 9, 2010 7:28 AM

Looking good Richie!

Love seeing your WIP pics with the Jake in the background too- an added bonus!  BTW, what are the bang seats in the background for?



  • Member since
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  • From: Coastal Maine
Posted by dupes on Sunday, May 9, 2010 12:42 PM

Man, this ended up being a KILLER GB...I hope you guys leave all these pics hosted so some day I can go back through the whole thread for reference material!

Bow Down

  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Monday, May 10, 2010 6:18 AM

Thanks Frank!!      OMG!!!Embarrassed lol those are the bang seats for the Buc!!!!!! Have not progressed a bit since the last pics!!!!! Horrible I know, but there is only so much life span to spread amongst the stash!!!!Surprise lol and the Buc ain't gonna be an OOB build neither!!!Devil

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Monday, May 10, 2010 7:27 AM

Richie- I thought that they might be from the Buccaneer! Whistling



  • Member since
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  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 2:27 PM

Frank,  I haven't been around for awhile, but I am still trying to work on the Mistel.  My house is still for sale and it is driving me batty.  Hope its OK it'll get done eventually.  JOHN


  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:33 PM

Thanks dupes!  It has really been an excellent GB to be sure.  The work that you guys turn out here is nothing short of amazing- I salute you all! Bow Down

John- Great to see you buddy!  Don't worry too much about the end date, i know a guy who can get it extended! Whistling



  • Member since
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  • From: Tempe, AZ
Posted by eptingmike on Monday, May 17, 2010 12:27 AM

Hello all,

Well I managed to get a wee bit more work done this weekend.  I got the bird buttoned up and have started trimming and cleaning up the rest of the bits and pieces.  I added some thin wire breaklines to the landing gear(sorry no pics of that yet).  I used the decal belts in the cockpit.  Not too sure about these.  Next time I think I will stick them on some foil to give them a bit of depth.  Too late now and I really want to get this thing done so there ya go!


  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Monday, May 17, 2010 1:29 PM

Nice looking progress there Mike!

I see what you mean about the belts, though from the photo they look very good indeed.  All in all, I think you have a cracking build there mate.

I see we are two weeks away from the deadline!  Shall we extend it?  I think so, as there are quite a few builds still in the works and I really want to see them all completed!  Keep it up fellas, this Gb rocks!



  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Monday, May 17, 2010 2:14 PM

The belts look pretty good to me also, well done.

Yup Daywalker I am still keeping an eye on this group, dont want to miss out on the cool builds still going on here.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Monday, May 17, 2010 8:40 PM

Mike that looks great so far!!! The belts do look a lil thin but they are convincing enough to leave them be me thinks. still plodding along on my build as well, the extension will be nice. Thanks Frank!!!! Had hoped to get ALOT more done over the weekend then I did but.....well...... there are still lots of fish out there in the ocean.Eats

One less lol, 49cm Snook

also got a barely legal Aussie Salmon.

Lil bit of progress on the 262, got the nose compartment closed up with I HOPE enough weight in there. Had to smash and cram some fishing weights into the small compartment. Now to take care of some seams and then press on with the office. Pics soon when there is more to actually show.Toast

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Monday, May 17, 2010 9:24 PM

Nice fish there Richie, not familiar with those!  What exactly is a snook?

I edited the thread to reflect the new end date, July 31st 2010.  Looking forward to those builds! Toast



  • Member since
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  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Saturday, May 22, 2010 3:43 AM


I edited the thread to reflect the new end date, July 31st 2010.  Looking forward to those builds! Toast

Woohoo!Big Smile

I'm at least another 4 weeks from finishing the big 262 as AMS has kicked in a bit!

Given that Gentsch's machine has the obligatory NMF intake on at least one engine thought I might as well tell a story and show the engine as if mid swap.

This has meant opening up the engine nacelles along the top and the bottom to really show of that detail.

I've since plumbed & wired the engine....

....and corrected the position of the Swiebel activator on the rear of the engine which I completely misplaced!

In the fourth picture you can see the exhaust ports for the Reidel starter in the nose bullet, which I thought was a quick and easy touch to add authenticity.

In order to make the stripped engine more accurate I also had to modify the kit intake trunk..

...removing the blanking plate on the back of the intake trunk as I couldn't see anything similar in the walkround photos I had.

I've also assembled the wings and engine nacelles, slats, flaps & and rear stabs, so most of the hard work is done. All the rivets have been filled and sanded, that took the best part of a week, Sad and my desk is just covered in dust, which is why I haven't started on painting the pit yet.

just need to wire up the under cockpit area, now and scratch up a control stick linkage and electrical boxes, and then it's time for paint.


Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Saturday, May 22, 2010 7:12 AM

Excellent work Karl, any photos of the filled and sanded outer surfaces?  After all of that work, I'd love to see how it is looking!



  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Saturday, May 22, 2010 10:00 AM

Frank, your wish and all that...

..and a close up.

Need to put a skim of Mr Surfacer over the radio hatch as the fit is a bit loose.

Looking at the wiring for the areas beneath the cockpit tub, I kept looking at the huge attachment lugs Trumpeter have put on the edge of the tub, and their associated sockets on the inside of the fuselage.

Don't know why they've done this as the tub is securely anchored to the bulk heads at either end, and it just looks pants.

Only one thing for it..

I've just removed the sockets on the remaining fuselage half, huge improvement.



Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Saturday, May 22, 2010 8:17 PM

Wow while I've been gone you guys have done some excellent stuff.  Well it now official I am packing to movePropeller Holy crap we have a lot of stuff.  OK right now we are only packing the non-essential stuff.  My wife has deemed my modeling stuff to be non-essential.  I know please wipe away the tears.  So I don;t know if I am going to fisnish my Mistel on time.  But I will get it done by the end of RD III with the Fw190.  Cheers JOHN


  • Member since
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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Sunday, May 23, 2010 2:13 AM

Wow Frank I can't believe this GB is still going on. I seems like a year ago when I finished my 262. Am I reading the first page correctly. There are alotof names of people who signed up and are not marked as finished. Is that true Frank?



  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:10 AM

Johnny that is just so wrong hearing that model stuff is non-essential!!!!! just mention one word......SANITY!!!!! lol best of luck in the move!!!!!

Yes SC there are those of us that are trying to squeak in under the mole tunnels!!!!!Whistling

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:45 AM

GRRRRRR -- I don't believe it... All this talk of puttied seams and rivets on the Stormbird has almost conbinced me to pull out the Squadron White and to the deed all over that Tamiya's kit's beautifully recessed panel lines. I knew there was a reason I was stalled before paitning the bird... I hate filling and sanding, and you can't get Mr Surfacer in this country, or at least not in this town. Like I said, i don't beliueve what I'm considering! as soon as I can get the Phantom and thunderjet off the bench, the 262 and MiG-3 are the next highest priorities.

Cheers, Mike/TB379

PS: I might not have been visible around the boards much but I have read every single word of the thread and appreciate the fine craftsmanship here very, very much!

  • Member since
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Posted by simpilot34 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 7:20 AM

Mike I got my Mr surfacer 500 in Melbourne....Whistling

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 7:31 AM

Hi Richie,

Melbourne?! Hmmm, what store? I wonder if they mailorder... Since SA Hobby Centre changed hands, bad has very much gone to worse. If it hasn't got an RC antenna sticking out the top, they don't seem to want to know about it anymore... If the full Gunze range is available in this country I could get some of that Levelling Thinner too, and strip that Corsair that came out with an orangepeel finish...


  • Member since
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  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 7:39 AM

Mike, at least the Tamiya 262 isn't covered in half a million rivets!

Best bet is to mask off either side of the panel lines, and apply a thin bead of putty. Let it set up for a few minutes, then quish it flat with a finger, and remove the tape a few minutes after that.

Should go someway to reducing the sanding. It's the approach I used on the Pegasus 262.

Guy's I know what you mean about late finishers......Whistling

Progress, cleaned the desk this morning of all the dust from the sanding exercise that is Project 262.

This at least means that I can start on painting the pit.




Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 8:06 AM

Hi Karl, that sounds a good idea. I guess there aren't all that many lines, really, but it sure messes with my sense of modelling reality as it's only recently that I figured out how to accent lines correctly. Now I'm elliminating them... It's real reality, but feels upside down!

Breathing deeply...


  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Sunday, May 23, 2010 8:27 AM

Karl- Wow, that is a lot of work there!  Especially in this scale, and with the plethora of rivets on the Trumpy kit.  I know your hard work will be justified in the end.  Great idea on removing those HUGE locating tabs on the fuselage and cockpit sides, wish I had thought of that earlier. Crying 

John- Non essential, NON ESSENTIAL???  Oh, that had to hurt.  Is your house sold then?  Hope this means that life will settle down for you soon.  No worries on the build, I would still really like to see it finished though!

Crusher- Yes, a lot of folks signed up but sadly there are many I doubt we'll see at the finish line.  Luckily, we have had some of the finest builders here who have turned out some stunning 262's!  I am sure glad I would not have to compete with any of them on a contest table!

Mike- Great to see you buddy!  Hope you are able to locate some of that putty, it would be ideal for this application.  Good luck!




  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Sunday, May 23, 2010 9:17 AM

Mike, I know what you mean about filling in the panel lines, it feels very wrong somehow.

I still don't know why manufacturers bother with most of the panel lines on a 262, as they clearly aren't there when you look at photos of the real thing.

It's when Monogram's raised panel lines start to look attractive!

Frank, those locating tabs have been niggling me for a few weeks, and yesterday with the wiring up of the pit area, I just thought what the hell, in for a penny in for a pound.

Can you tell I'm fighting the AMS on this build?


A few more pics....

I've used fuse wire, lead wire, and foil for the cable ties.

So far I've found no pics of the port side of the under pit area, so I'm just going to go with wiring based a few AM sets I've seen.

One addition to the pit itself was the air hose, again made of fuse wire and beading wire in this case wrapped around it.

just need to add an end to the hose and a clip.

Did you notice how clean my bench was?Big Smile







Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:18 PM


Can you tell I'm fighting the AMS on this build?

Did you notice how clean my bench was?Big Smile


LOL, fighting and winning I see!  And yes, your bench looks very clean.  How many garbage bags did you fill with all of the dust?



  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Monday, May 24, 2010 5:36 AM



John- Non essential, NON ESSENTIAL???  Oh, that had to hurt.  Is your house sold then?  Hope this means that life will settle down for you soon.  No worries on the build, I would still really like to see it finished though!



Yes my house is sold pending all of the inspections and such.  My wife and I put an offer on a 1900 sq ft colonial less then a mile away.  The owner signed our offer, but it is a short sale which means she owes more then what the house is being sold for, so we have to wait to get her mortgage lenders approval on the offer.  Basically they have to agree on how much they are willing to lose.  She is not paying her mortgage.

I will get the Mistel done no doubt about it.


  • Member since
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Posted by simpilot34 on Monday, May 24, 2010 6:04 AM

Karl she's coming along fine!!!!Like your detail work!!!

Johnny, hope all goes well with the house!!!

Mike, I got mine at Hearn's Hobbies on Flinders street. I believe they might do some mailorder. Might also try Victorian Hobby Centre on Swanston st. HTH someYes The Hobby Place on Lonsdale st. might also be another place to look.

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
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Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Monday, May 24, 2010 6:58 AM

Thanks, Richie, I've dropped Hearns a line immediately.

Tell me, did you apply the Mr Surfacer with brush or airbrush? Is it an acylic product??? Thin with water or a proprietory thinner? I've heard Gunze acrylics are already sprayable-thin in the bottle but a spray-putty must be a different ballgame...

Cheers, Mike

  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Monday, May 24, 2010 2:07 PM

Mike, Mr Surfacer is lacquer based.

I applied mine with a paint brush.

Gunze acrylics need thinning before you can spray, but they are still the best paints out there.


Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF


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