Thats what the gap under the chair is for. If not for feetsies what for?
Makes perfect sense- I stand corrected
Yeah, I rest my feet on the chair's roller-style legs.......
all the room under the table is taken up with paint supplies and kits......
All the room under the regular chair is kits........
the closet......kits.......
under the other desk.....kits....
above the desk.....kits....
behind the door....kits....
If I put my foot down by accident, I squash a Tamiya 1/25 Tiger
uhhhhh.....who needs feet exactly? get in the way!
I was very impressed with Rich's ancient multi-layered work-bench before he moved.....
To say it was messy is like criticizing the Carboniferous Periods. I like to think of
it as the Styreniferous Period.
You don't get time and styrene built up into strata like that overnight.......
I think they had helicopter tours of his building canyon,
and rumor has it........mule teams of tourists went' never come out!