Ok, I have some updates, and I plan on finishing this one tonight (fingers crossed).
But this is a story of problems. First, when I went to install the prop, I realized the engine sits too deep in the colwing, and the prop hits either thecowling or the cowl machine guns. It should sit at least 2mm farther forward.
So as I lay in bed a couple nights ago thinking about that, I just got up, walked to the bench and broke the cowling off, then ripped off the engine. Because I keep telling myself all mistakes are worth fixing to have a final product I can enjoy.
So it looked like that.
Yesterday, I went home at lunch and laminated two pieces of 1mm Evergreen, then drilled a hole the same diameter as the one on the kit, lined them up and installed the engine.
Last night, I glued on the cowling, and didn't have any damage to the paint.
But then I went to add an enamel filter to a panel aft of the cowl flaps for some tonal variation, and it reagitated the Vallejo Chipping Medium I had previously applied (through an enamel paint, two acrylic gloss coats and an acrylic flat coat. Grr.)
So now I have to fix this today.
But I did get the landing gear all assembled, wing guns and pitot tube mounted and the aerial mast installed. So in abouthalf an hour I will hit the panel (I've already sanded it smooth) with some paint, then hopefully finish the weathering tonight with some exhaust stains and spattering on the underside, and maybe some chipping via colored pencil.