Lewbud, super work on the Maple Mustang, you're right, that is a very pretty scheme. You did real good on the decals, I understand your relief at having two sets.
Zvezda, that Spit looks like a mongrel for you to tame, but you have done a great job with it. Looking forward to the finished product.
Nick, the Hunter is looking very good. The canopy masking is very neat. What a nice looking aircraft.
Bruce, nice work on the Mig. The PE details are very fine. Hopefully you come across the bits.
The wessex has progressed with the glasshouse revealed and wheels on. I also got the aerial supports on and the aerial installed. I have used EZ Line, supergluing it to the supports. Mostly went well.
I was thinking I just need to stick the rotors on and we're done. Then remembered the four prominent exhaust stacks on the nose... Picked up some brass tube to redo them as the kit ones were in two halves with a wierd shape. See how it goes.