Thanks Joe, wibhi, Chris, and Rick... you know how we can be our own worse critics
Chris-- for the Tempest, I just used plain old 3M blue painters tape. I painted the white of the DDay stripes first...then masked it off and painted the black....then masked them off entirely and used the blue tape (after cutting down on its stickiness).... I kind of freehand cut the tape with my knofe, laid it on top, and sprayed-- gray first, then masked it off and sprayed my green. Was pretty happy with the results, although the Polly Scale Sea Gray I used on top cracked. I fixed up some of it with just a hand brush, but you can still see it a bit on the right horizontal stabilizer.... think its a bit old... oh well LOL
Just used the yellow decals provided for the leading edge on the wings... didn't want to mess up my camo anymore than it was!
Thanks again guys....these were some tough builds with the paint least for me starting out...used to do them all with a handbrush, but I'll never go back
Luckily next up is a Black Cat Catalina...all flat black! No masking, but I am going to need an industrial paint sprayer for this's HUGE!