Comrades, I now exist once more on finescale! The change in format made it impossible to get my old name (Sergei Mad!! Sergei Crush!!) but Im back now, And I finally have my MiG-3!
Unfortunately, I wont be getting the proper paints (I.E. white) until about new years, So Ill probably be a little rushed.
Im also trying Gap filler on some of the seams. Are you just supposed to slather it on the entire area and then scrape off the excess? cause That's what I did. Well see how It comes out after painting.
And, even though my gray paint malfunctioned on me and truned out gloppy and glossy, a flatcoat fixed it right up, and My interior doesnt look to bad, except that I couldnt get the guns to line up with their barrels....Oh, well.