Wow guys! I just popped into the gallery for a bite to eat and maybe a sip o' rum! Thanks for the welcome, guys! I sure didn't deserve all that!
I'm really sorry I never made it to the end of the FAA GB. It breaks my heart that the SBD went down in flames like it did. And I never did get a chance to share the pictures of the TBM that Roy sent for the Secret Santa last Christmas. But If it's ok with you, i'd still like to post them, if that's ok.
Thank you so much, Roy! She is a beautiful sight. She is safe and sound in storage waiting for me to open up shop in the new house later this year. I just hope I wont miss the deadline for the new and improved NAW GB!
And it looks like there has been an awful lot of really beautiful work in my absence here too! I'm still trying to catch up on all that i've missed in the last several months. I'm amazed! You guys are truley artists! Wow...
But, it'll be great to spend the time to catch up here. But first things first-