Beggin' the pardon of the CAG, the men be called to order and be Grog-nizant of our shipmate Aaron what be in a lifeboat just now. Be a bit hard for me to express it, but Roll Call:TWEE, TWEE!
CAG present but not accounetd for.
XO, present.
LtCmr Nam a fine friend an' a worthy liar, present in spirit.
LtCmr Bondoman, not at all coherent.
LtCmr SfNam as fina man as, but run for your life...
Lt... the rest mind yer britched and tend te yer socks as I ain't care and it'c te ye te speak up.
We'll have te' carry the carronade te' the top o' the gangway and aim it at the rest what ain't got no models to show, and blast yer' 'ides!
Models, men, models!