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IDF GB 4/20/08 - 4/20/09

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  • Member since
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  • From: Oregon, Rain country U.S.A.
Posted by russianfist on Saturday, September 27, 2008 1:07 PM

Shalom, Russianfist reporting in as well.

I am on a weekend pass from a 7 week work deployment away from the home base.

It's nice to be home again commrades.

The builds here are looking fantastic!!!

Not to mention the reference pics being posted (Tank Girl,GRRRRRR).

Well I have some time alotted to work on my project today so I will try to get some new pics installed.

Again, My compliments to your builds guys.

They are outstanding.

You got a telegram from headquarters today. Headquarters--what is it? Well, it's a big building where generals meet, but that's not important right now. [ img] f_armorsecretm_ac7eb73[/ img]
  • Member since
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  • From: Dripping Springs, TX, USA
Posted by RBaer on Monday, September 29, 2008 11:22 AM

Tbolt, looks great. I'm going to follow this one closely, as I have the same kit in progress. I recently installed the Friuls and got motivated all over again. If you can "dig" (sorry) up the parience, the fit engine grills are pretty weak, IMO. I thought seriously about some AM parts myself.

Russianfist, pics?

Apprentice rivet counter.

  • Member since
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Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2:38 AM

Hi Guys,

There's not been much activity on this thread lately -- how are your builds coming???

Having finished my Bf 109 for BoB I was able to turn my attention elsewhere and the Merk has received some TLC. Today's session saw a couple of strides achieved:

Photos first:

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Photobucket" border="0" />

I added the last few small parts on the turret roof, they look like a braced step protecting a sighting or other device, in front of the commander's hatch. On the hull, I added the grab handles on the rear hatches. The carpet ate one of these long ago, so it was replaced with brass -- my very first hand-shaped wire grab handle! The locator holes for the other three parts in this area are treated with Maskol so the parts can be fitted after painting. On the lower hull, I filed the filler in the holes and smoothed it down with wet'n'dry, then I glued the big slab hatch parts in place and permanently closed the hull with cya.

She's just about ready for the paintshop. I'll unmount the tracks and wheels, mask all locators for hanging the skirts, mask the axles and locators for any other small fittings to go on later, possibly add a couple of small parts under the bow, then she can be put into Sinai Grey.

I really want to do oil wash weathering, plus Promodeller panel wash and MiG Pigments... Oil wash over acrylic is fine, but over enamels it can lift the color coat. I can put on a coat of Gunze Aqueous clear flat to protect an enamel paintjob, or I can mix a suitable color in acrylics. Tamiya Deck Tan looks a reasonable starting point -- any thoughts on mixing from there?

Cheers all, great work as always, can't wait to see some more reach completion,


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 10:24 PM

Hey Thunderbolt379 (and everyone else), I'm still here, I just had some minor setbacks is all. I hope to upload some photos and some progress updates tonight.

I especially want to thank those who uploaded pictures of IDF uniforms and equipment. I want to add some figures to my piece, and those will be very useful.

That Merk is looking good, T-bolt.

  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Thursday, October 16, 2008 12:56 AM

Ok, here's what I've been up to lately.

To detail up my Hell Hound I ordered some 1.5 mm hexagonal bolt heads from Czech Masters by way of, as well as some other stuff for other builds. Unfortunately, they were out of them, so I had to look elsewhere.

Then I went to Hobby Link Japan (, a site we sci-fi guys often frequent. They had 1.5mm hexbolts made by a company called Alder's Nest... I ordered those instead. This meant I would have to wait until they could be shipped from Japan, hence my long absence.

While I was waiting, I decided to work on how to mount the model. My idea is to put a brass tube inside the kit, and then to run a sturdy brass mounting rod up into the model. So I picked out a suitable tube and a rod to fit in it (no dirty jokes now...).

I located a spot to drill into the bottom of the model, as close to the center of balance as I could. This is where I would drill the hole for the mounting rod. I didn't want to use an electric drill however, for fear it might get away from me somehow, and my pin-vice was way too small for the drillbit I needed to use. My solution was old school:

It still didn't go perfectly. I hit a support structure inside the model that knocked the bit askew and made for an ugly hole. What to do?

Digging around in the spares box, I came up w/ these thingys. In sci-fi, we call these sorts of things "greeblies"; odd, unexplainable little detailing bits. I got them off HLJ too, about 6 years ago. I forget what they are called, but it was just the trick.

That done, I had to figure out how to keep the model from spinning on its post.

I took a carbide drill bit, and carefully put a hole through the tube. Then I threaded it w/ a brass rod of appropriate diameter. Next, I used a motor tool to cut a notch in the top of the mounting rod, and widened it w/ a triangular file.

I think you can see where I am going here. The pin falls into the groove on the rod, aligning the model the way I want, and allowing me to easily disassemble it if I want to take it to a show or something.

I then inserted the tube into the model, replaced the pin, and fixed it in place w/ copious amounts of superglue. The pin was bent over on the other side to keep it in place. It sure ain't pretty, but it works. Lastly, I sanded the tube on the bottom so that it was flush w/ the greeblie I had added.

At Hobby Lobby, I bought one of those big Imex display cases to put the model in. I'm not sure this is how I want to display it, but if I wind up going that way, at least I know it will fit. If not, I can always use it for a 1/48 Tamiya Me-262 I'm building...

The hexbolts finally arrived in the mail, and I could get to work on those. I started by carefully drilling tiny holes to accept them. The hard part was making sure the drill bit was centered correctly. The few times it wasn't, I used the bit to file the hole a little in the right direction.

Then I started on the bolts themselves. These are made of brass, and have to be cut apart individually and filed smooth. They are very tiny. I wound up using all but three of them.

I then attached the sides of the hull to the model. I suspected that the internal structure might interfere w/ the bolts (or vice versa) if I added them before assembly. Turns out I was right; some of the bolts had to be trimmed to half their length before they would fit.

Then, one by one, I glued them in place w/ SG. The end result:

Whew! Now I can start detailing and painting.

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Monday, October 20, 2008 2:00 AM

Cosmic J -- I'm most impressed with your work here, this what-if build is receiving top attention! I can't wait to see her painted and dusted!

I did a little more on my Merk, some filler in one joint, a few more small parts, and started the masking for locators on all parts to be added after painting.

Thinking back on the red paint question we touched on several pages back, I did some online research and was not able to turn up a single image in which any IDF tank showed red paint on any of its fittings... Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but I'm tempted to omit the detail for the sake of getting the beast done, and add it later if research shows up firm info. I can always slap on a bit more dust to disguise the fact it was added later rather than sooner!

Fingers crossed, I'll get her in to the paintshop soon.



  • Member since
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  • From: Dripping Springs, TX, USA
Posted by RBaer on Monday, October 20, 2008 6:04 PM

CosmicJ, those bolts look great. Just the thing for a neat what-if.....

Tbolt, I've got a few pics in Concord and Verlinden publications that show lube points and such with red paint daubed on, but it usually gets coated with dust pretty quickly, since the lube itself has dirt/dust mixed with it. A vehicle has to be pretty clean for it to be noticable. I've also got a Merk II in progress, just haven't been able to do any modeling for a couple of weeks now, and also have a bunch of other stuff working. Just need to decide what to get on next.....

Apprentice rivet counter.

  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:06 AM

I'm still here and plugging away.  I'ved picked up my MUTT again after working on and completing a few other projects that I had to get done.  I have a deadline to hve this thing completed by November 2nd for a local museum type display at a living veterans thing going on here locally, that my club displays models at.  So that is my personal deadline.  At least for basic completion.  I want the entire thing diorama and all done and looking GREAT by the next meeting.  I want to win first place at the monthly contest so I can enter model of the year at the annual Christmas Dinner the club has.  I think this little MUTT, and my 69 Yenko Camaro(If I can get it done) have a good shot of taking home the gold.  That's how nice these are turning out.  I am currently doing a bit of painting on the MUTT as I type this, so I'm not able to snap any pics, but hopefully tomorrow I will.

CosmicJ the only thing I can say about your build is DAAAAAAAAANG, You're an ANIMAL!!!!!!  Doing all that man you MUST be a masochist.  That's just brutal.  Looks GREAT though.


  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Sunday, October 26, 2008 7:50 AM


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:22 AM

Thanks for the compliments guys. I'm glad y'all like it so far. It's gotten worse since I last posted...all the upper hatches needed handles, and then I discovered the upper loading hooks... Sigh [sigh]

That MUTT is looking nice fantacmet. The red, yellow and blue add nice splashes of color. How will you paint/detail the lenses on the missile launcher?

I need the advice of all the sages hereabouts. The gun turret on the top of my truck has a different internal design than I thought. Does anyone know where I can get some sitting IDF crew, preferably on the cheap?

Since this is a truck, it should probably have some stowage too. Can anyone recommend an IDF stowage set? I especially like that rather iconic stretcher-looking thing they seem to carry on all their tanks.

Any and all help appreciated.


  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 3:05 PM

For the lenses, i used black, then transparent blue, then a coat of future.  They look REALLY close to what I've seen in pics for the dark blue.

 As for crew try Academy.  I have their IDF Tank crew set.  As for on the cheap, Academy is it.  i bought the tank crew and a weapons set together for about 7 dollars.  I'd say that qualifies as on the cheap.

 For stowage, I used to buy it, since I was a terrible sculptor and co9uldn't make things right.  Finally I gave in and man it's so easy to scratchbuild stowage it's not funny.  I just use toilet paper, and a water glue mixture tinted with paint.  I don't dip then roll/fold, I roll/fold then I use a heavy brush to allow the paper to soak it up.  So far works great.  I've also been known to use candy wrapper foil.  If you are a smoker or have a friend who is, the textured liner paper from a pack of cigs(camel works best sine it all pulls right out), has some very interesting texture to it.  That liner paper can also be painted silver in color with perhassome heat distortion colors and make a GREAT heat shield.


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:58 AM

Thanks fantacmet. I have the Academy IDF crew. My problem is that the gun turret on my truck has a seat in it, and the seat is integral to the turrets design. If I want to put a crewman in it, he has to be sitting, and all the Academy crew are standing.

 I could just cut one up and reposition him, but I'm feeling pressed for time. I was hoping to avoid all that and maybe find a set that has seated figure, from which I could just swap out the lower half.

Same w/ stowage. I'm trying to speed up the process, but I think you're right on this one. Its almost impossible to get plastic and resin to look like fabric. Molding it myself might allow me to make it look like its being blown backward by the vehicle's forward motion.

I hope I get this thing done on time... Sigh [sigh]

You wouldn't happen to know a good online source for MV Lenses would you?

  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:56 PM

Well that IDF Crew does have a half figure for sitting down into a turret or something, but I suppose if your opening is large enough it would be obvious and negate the point.  You may not be able to avoid surgery.

As for being pressed for time, you have ALOT of time left.  The end date isn't until April of 2009 for this GB, and even then I will offer some extensions if needed, especially to you since you are a latecomer to the GB.  Me and one or two others have no excuse we started early.  Well I sort of did.

Anyhow, for the lenses try here.

I have never used them myself.  I know they look great, but so far I've not had a need to use them.  I'm cheap with some things though and would rather cast my own new lenses in clear resin then buy some at that price.  LOL.  Even though they wouldn't look near as good.  I'm cheap though, that's just me.


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Saturday, November 1, 2008 9:52 PM

Thanks brother. I've never used the MV lenses either, but I've seen them on models and they can look pretty good. Striking, I guess would be the word.

My Hellhound is very big, and will be painted overall in a single color, so I'm trying to come up w/ ways to make it more visually interesting. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, and should just build the d*** thing. Banged Head [banghead]

Thanks again, fantacmet.

  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Thursday, November 6, 2008 1:06 AM

Ok more progress, i have stowage but while it's tinted is not yet painted.  I plan to add some more to it somewhere somehow.  Trying to think of what.


I picked up the Academy Modern IDF Infantry fig set.  I decided to scrap the base I was working on becuase it looks horrid.  Started work on a new one tonight.  Doing it right.



  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:16 AM

I think once this is over I'm gonna grab everyone's pics and select the best from each person, and then compile them into a video with some music, and then post a link to the vid here, so everyone can download it, burn it, whatever.  Kind of a something extra to be proud of for when the build is complete.  Something you can show off or whatever.


What do you guys think?  I would like to put a first name at least with every persons build and in the credits, but I will settle for just usernames.

 Incidently for those who don't know my name is Michael.


  • Member since
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  • From: Dripping Springs, TX, USA
Posted by RBaer on Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:01 PM
Sounds just fine to me. First name: Russ. I could actually take some pics with a proper background if that'd be better.

Apprentice rivet counter.

  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Thursday, November 13, 2008 11:11 PM

That'd be excellent, but no hurry on that.  I wanna wait until evreyone is done with all projects.

The next question is what genre of music?  I hardly have any rap, I have a fair amount of rock and country, I have a bit of classical, a bit of Jazz, a bit of bagpipes and Irish folk music.  Although I do have a song in mind from Black Hawk Down soundtrack, that just sounds awesome.


  • Member since
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  • From: Dripping Springs, TX, USA
Posted by RBaer on Friday, November 14, 2008 10:49 AM
We picked up a cassette by a guy named Yehudah Poliker (sp?) while on our Israel trip about 10 years ago, some very interesting music.....

Apprentice rivet counter.

  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, November 14, 2008 12:38 PM

In the meat world I go by John.

Do Israelis make Gangsta rap? That might be cool.

How about Sammy Hagar's "Heavy Metal"?

AC/DC's "Hell's Bells"?

Almost anything by Johnny Cash...

  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Friday, November 14, 2008 10:28 PM

I don't do gangsta rap.  For rap I'm more of a 2 live crew kinda guy as oppose to a tupac kinda guy.  Nemesis being the exception which is uh shall we say a bit different.


I think I'm gonna go with Hans Zimmer "Gortoz a ran - J'attends."  I had never heard anything like it and thuoght it was beautiful so I had done a bit of research on the song, and after that I think it would be the best choice.  Aside from having an appealing sound, it's kind of representative of the IDF I think.  After doing some research on the IDF and seeing that it is a peoples army and not just an Israeli army, or a Jewish army, it is made up of many different people from many lands and cultures.  It truly epitomizes what we have been trying to accomplish here in the U.S.  Now the song "Gortoz a ran - J'attends"  the music itself is a mixture of several different cultural musics, from Africa, Ireland, other European countries, All over the middle east, and South America as well.  It combines everything just like the IDF does.  But just like the IDF it does it in a harmoneous way, and everything works together for a superior end result.  the lyrics are in Breten an old Celtic language(which is a natural for me since I'm a "mick."  LOL.

I think it would be very appropriate for it's symbolism.



  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 2:59 PM

Ok almost done.  I have the vehicle pretty much done.  Just a couple of small details to add.

the figures aren't done so they are not on the base.

This base might be the one or it's just a temp.  I need to know if it's appropriate for the vehicle itself.  If not I have one in progress that will just have a fwetufts of taller grass but other then that be various shades of dirt/sand.  I relaly hope this one would be appropriate.  Only Vincent or someone else can tell me for sure.  As for figures I'm using the Academy IDF Modern Infantry Set mostly.  With some parts or maybe even a figure from the IDF tank crew set.  I have a meeting/contest tonight, I'd like to know whether I have to bust my butt to get the dirt base done, or if this one will suffice.



  • Member since
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  • From: Dripping Springs, TX, USA
Posted by RBaer on Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:38 AM

Great looking MUTT. I've got a pic somewhere of a couple of reservists kicked back in one at the base of the cable car up to Masada. No TOW, just MGs. This model brings that moment back nicely.

Another idea for a base might be "urban", maybe Beirut....

Apprentice rivet counter.

  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, November 21, 2008 12:20 AM

That's a nice lookin' model right there.

Somehow, the grass/turf on the base looks a little too green for the middle east. Not that I actually know what it's supposed to look like, it just doesn't seem to match the model.

The individual tufts look real good. Very realistic. Aftermarket, or home made?

  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Friday, November 21, 2008 1:44 PM

Aftermarket.  Pricey little buggers too, but one of the guys from the club had several packages, and he was splitting them up, and cutting the sheets of grass tufts in half, and selling them.  There's several different colors, and lengths.  I'll have to check with the guy I got them from to see who makes it, or Ricklawler might know.  He's in the same club.

These come glued down to a type of plastic or rubbery sheet, you just peel them off and glue them down.  Incidently I drybrushed the tops of most of the tufts with floquil mud.  Which made them look even better.  I just glued them in the little bare spots on the base in the grass.


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, November 21, 2008 3:19 PM

Very nice looking. If you can find out where they came from, I'd love to know.

  • Member since
    October 2007
Posted by White_R34 on Thursday, November 27, 2008 3:16 PM

Hay now that MUTT w/TOW came out realy well. Grate work man, now we all know I put the rong MG on my MUTT so I have gone Back and placed the right type the FAN MG with a strap just as I did on the first US MG. Any way that is not why I'm back. I'm back at work on my Merkava MK III and once I started on the hull I noticed that the MKIII/D or BAZ hull had items I realy didn't think I could build so I got a Legend resin hull thinking that would help me out. ((NOT)) as I looked over the resin hull and tryed to fit it the my Academy chassis tub , it would not fit. so I did some work to the resin hull by graphting the front of the resin hull that had all the item that made it a BAZ version to the academy kits rear hull., so it would fit and I could still build the rear interior.

Now at this time I can see that the main gun barrel had or needed to be fix so it would look like the 1:1 version. I sanded off what was not needed and shortend the lingth of the barrel only 1mm. Here's some of that work:

As you can see I still had items to add to the gun barrel and I will be back to post all the new photo that I just dont have the time to do right now. Ok let recap I started with the basic Acadmey Merkava Mk III and now I have the updated Merkava Mk III/D BAZ version.


Building the Impossible Is my main goal!!
  • Member since
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  • From: Portland, Oregon
Posted by fantacmet on Thursday, November 27, 2008 4:54 PM
That Merkava is gonna be a sweet azz build man.  Doing some great work on that.  Love that rear door being open too.


  • Member since
    October 2007
Posted by White_R34 on Thursday, November 27, 2008 11:29 PM

Hay you guys have I got a treat for your eyes. Now I must tell you all I'm not the Builder of this model I just thought we all should see something truly stunning. Let me say once again "I'M NOT THE BUILDER OF THIS MODEL"

IDF Nagmachon w/ Doghouse, This model was built from a Legend convertion kit:

Here's a link where you can get that kit and othere things.

This one is a cheap one:

I hope to get this one if I still have any money left. ((You all know what tomorrow is)) Black Friday woooooooooo watch your money go by by!Sigh [sigh]

"Later yall"

Building the Impossible Is my main goal!!
  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, November 28, 2008 2:49 PM

Nice Merk, White_R34. Looks like a lot of work for the cost of that Legend conversion kit though. What can I say, I'm a cheap modeller... Wink [;)]

How much of the interior will you be able to see?

Like that Nagmachon, especially the antenna arrays. It's very busy looking; I might try something like that on a sci-fi piece soon.


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