The trawler won't be dead on accurate but maybe we can make it better than out of the box. I will be happy with that. But something tells me that together we will do better than that.
Well, that kit is notoriously "bare" of deck details and only "suggestive" of things that ought to be defined. So, both the average viewer and average builder will be left with "I wunner why thas like that?" And, as a modeler, seeing something with soft details that could be sharper can sore nag at a person.
So, the function of the ship/boat (technically, a ship is a vessel large enough to carry a boat) is to tow nets through desireable food fish.
Such a net might look like this:
Note how these suggest streaming line on two sides. That's deceptive.
The otters have a steering line which will cause them to either stream or collapse.
Which allows opening or closing the net on demand.
Beam drag nets:
Use the beam to either hold the net open. or to scrape the bottom to give up biomass.
Now, later on, many trawlers changed over to purse seine nets:
Wher you stream the net over the side, then loop around your target biomass until you close the loop. Tuna boats use a separate "purse boat" to "chase" the net around fast-moving tuna--so, shuch ships have a uniue look to them.
So, all this "stuff" wants various booms, spars, and tackle.
And, of course, the nets. First thing overboard, last thing aboard--so they are atop all else. Along with the streaming line, which might be 100 fathoms of 1 or 2 inch line, which might be laked out on deck, rather than reeled up out of the way, as it will be deployed on the next trip to sea. (Fishermen run with a limited number of deckhands, so, an hour saved is an hour earned.)