Actually, Cosmic J, we have such a representation of both worlds. When the Haudenosaunee first encountered the representatives of certain European nations, initially the Dutch in 1613, the latter were not aware that we practiced very sophisticated, yet simple, diplomatic principles in our dealings with other (first) nations. This had the potential for disrupting the peaceful ways that Haudenosaunee people wished to live. Because our cultures and lifeways were so different, it was essential that a relationship be established based on mutual respect. Therefore, we proposed a treaty of peace, respect and peaceful co-existence, known as the Kaswentha, or Two Row Wampum belt. The belt was made with two parallel rows of purple wampum on a bed of white beads. The white was meant to symbolize the purity of the agreement. The two separate rows of purple beads, were made to symbolize and encompass the spirits of Haudenosaunee and non-Haudenosaunee people and ancestors. Between the two rows of purple beads, three rows of white beads, were placed. These were made to stand tor the friendship, peace and respect between the two nations.
The specific meaning of the belt is as follows, in the form of a Haudenosaunee reply to the initial Dutch treaty proposal:
You say that you are our Father and I am your Son. We say we will not be like Father and Son, but like Brothers. This wampum belt confirms our words. These two rows will symbolize two paths or two vessels, traveling down the same river together. One, a birch bark canoe, will be for the Indian people, their laws, their customs and their ways. The other, a ship, will be for the white people and their laws, their customs and their ways. We shall each travel the river together, side by side, but in our boat. Neither of us will make compulsory laws or interfere in the internal affairs of the other. Neither of us will try to steer the other's vessel.
FYI, the Haudenosaunee still hold many international treaties with the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, and other countries that colonized North America.