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Weekend Madness III - COMPLETED see pg1 for pics

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  • Member since
    November 2006
  • From: Coastal Maine
Posted by dupes on Saturday, November 13, 2010 1:21 PM

No internet at  home means you guys are getting a "today" update, a "tomorrow" update, and the finished pics on Monday morning!

Started at 5:45 P.M. Friday, box art and sprues pics like so:

After about 5 hours assembly was complete (at least as far as I can go before painting some parts). The pre-primer pic didn't work out (or I forgot to take one...highly possible). So here's where I'm at right now:

Heading home now to put the basecoat of Sand on this monster. The plow parts were primed with aluminum, and have received a subsequent coat of hairspray - want to be able to chip those things at will to represent wear. If all goes well with the painting (i.e., no need for a second spray session), I should be able to do final assemblies and put on the dry transfers tonight.

That means that Sunday will be just weathering and doing a base? Too easy! Stick out tongue

  • Member since
    June 2009
  • From: Netherlands
Posted by kermit on Saturday, November 13, 2010 1:24 PM

Hold it hold it! I admit i had a moment of sheer panic earlier and i kinda lost heart but once i got personal stuff sorted i just continued hoping for the best.

Right now i am putty-ing it and sanding right after that. I think i just might make my "spraying booth before bedtime" deadlineBig Smile

Back in the game and not admitting defeat....


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill

  • Member since
    September 2007
  • From: Truro Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted by SuppressionFire on Saturday, November 13, 2010 1:42 PM


Supression:  all I said was that it was small, that doesn't mean that is lacking!  (Oooo... bad joke in there somewhere! Clown)

Ha ha all good! Besides she is not one to complain...Wink

Had a few hours this morning to get more accomplished, PE on and just need to fill the turret up a bit before paint.

#80 drill bits annealed w/ a lighter to become the MG barrels. Detail in lower hull will be just the drive shaft & a seat or two. Need to get going to make the deadline of 6:30 Atlantic Time zone.

Good luck all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Huntington, WV
Posted by Kugai on Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:03 PM

I'd have pics up but i need to sort something out first.

I put mu sub-assemblies on the mantel before going to bed sine leaving them on the table is sometimes taken as an invitation to "help out."  Apparently one of them made it up to the mantel and knocked a number of parts down.  Though most of the sections are OK, the nose gear is broken and I now need to add the step of  coming up with a reasonably-durable repair that won't push the schedule past midnight tomorrow.

  • Member since
    September 2004
  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:06 PM

Dupes:  Good of you to drop in.  Looks like your well on your way! 

Richard:  Glad to hear you're still in the game!  Woohoo!

Got the OD on the Sherman.  Will take a break to let the paint dry a bit before assembling the undercarriage and final assembly.  will post some more pics soon.  Propeller


  • Member since
    September 2004
  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:09 PM


I'd have pics up but i need to sort something out first.

I put mu sub-assemblies on the mantel before going to bed sine leaving them on the table is sometimes taken as an invitation to "help out."  Apparently one of them made it up to the mantel and knocked a number of parts down.  Though most of the sections are OK, the nose gear is broken and I now need to add the step of  coming up with a reasonably-durable repair that won't push the schedule past midnight tomorrow.

I take it  you have cats?  I have two and I'm very fortunate to have a separate room where to model in where I can close the door.  Hope you can get your repair sorted quickly.


  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Nashville, TN area
Posted by bobbaily on Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:38 PM

Hey all-you guys are doing great.

Here's the latest progress pic.  In the tradition of Rat Rods/Beaters, I've covered the seats with Indian blankets.  Interior still needs to have dash/steering wheel finished & an ink wash applied.  Engine will get a wash also.  The fit on this kit is challenging, to say the least.  The exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe do not come close to mating up.  However, I'm not worried-I'm accomplishing the things that I wanted to with the exterior finish & the interior treatment.

btw-Nick-great job on the police car.  Hope to see more of your work here in the forums.

Jeff-great job on encouraging your son in this endeavor.



  • Member since
    June 2009
  • From: Netherlands
Posted by kermit on Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:52 PM

Made it!Propeller The Aluminum has been sprayed on, leaving me with an entire sunday morning and afternoon to attach the little stuff and decal the mig. Nicely on schedule here on this side of the pondWink Paint is curing so no wip pics yet, sorry.

P.s.: Razordws,...

I kinda noticed just now that the P47 is still listed as my build... Just sayin'Smile


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill

  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:06 PM

'mornin' all

I'm back on board and read for another full day at the bench.

Nick: that car looks great, congrats on finishing first (and didn't even need 48 hours).

Kermit: welcome back... I never lost faith.

All others: (too many to list), looking good, keep those pics coming.

Don't know what has happened to the rest of the Aussie contingency.



  • Member since
    August 2006
  • From: Amherst, MA
Posted by M1 A1 A2 Tanker on Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:17 PM



      I'm getting a late start with this GB as my grandmother was admitted to ER yesterday and is still in the hospital today. I will be starting later today and will post WIP pics shortly after.


See ya







“Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.”  ~ Joseph Campbell



  • Member since
    September 2007
  • From: Crystal Lake, IL
Posted by firesmacker on Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:32 PM

Hey guys. Man, this is my third year in a row doing this and  I'm still amazed at just how fast these things go. I'm really impressed with everything I have seen so far. You guys that are doing armor kits are truly the craziest of the bunchToast

OK, got the 'pit done and I'll get her buttoned up shortly.


Got company coming over and I've already cracked a beer so this should get interesting...Stick out tongue

Keep plugging away fellas. Don't get frustrated and quit if it appears that you aren't going to be able to create the perfect build. My cockpit floor is an abominationDunce



Edit: Thanks for all the kind and encouraging words regarding Nick. We had a blast doing this together. This is our 4th car we have built and the first time I let him use an AB. He had a lot of fun.

  • Member since
    September 2004
  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:54 PM

Scott:  Welcome aboard. Better late than never as they say.  Hope your grandmother is doing well.

Bob:  That rat rod is looking awesome!

Richard:  Sorry about that.  Must have missed your post.  I know it's a Trumpeter Mig but what scale and which Mig?


  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:16 PM

OK, 99% of my building is completed... Just gotta actaully glue the tracks and add them after painting. I am replacing the kit tracks with a spare set from a Trumpeter KV kit.

Today I modified the kit tow cables by replacing the center part with some para cord "guts". Looksmuch better than the horrible kit ones. And I added another layer of texture to the kit turret to get it nie and rough like I wanted. here are a few progress shots....

overall with everything in place (tracks not yet glued together)

a couple close ups of the tow cables and turret side texturing....

and a close up of the rear turret texturing...

next stop this afternoon, the base color-Soviet Armor Khaki Green overall...Stick out tongue



F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Australia
Posted by taxtp on Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:50 PM

Hi Everyone,

I've been up early for day two, starting at 7am after finally putting it aside at 1am last night. I think I've made some good progress in the 2 and a bit hours this morning. The first photo shows a photocopy of the decals tacked to the model, so that I can work out the masking line between yellow and white. The actual masking line will be covered by the dark blue decal.

The second photo shows current status. The tyres are decalled on one side, the other side to go. The chassis is sprayed, one more coat to go (I've done it since). The yellow blob is the body, or masked up and sprayed. The axles have had some metal primer then a spray of light gun metal.

The front and rear wings have been sprayed and decalled. They'll need a coat of flat, then the wing endplates will be painted and decalled too.

It's going OK at the moment.



I'm just taking it one GB at a time.

  • Member since
    September 2007
  • From: Truro Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted by SuppressionFire on Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:52 PM


Awesome job on the 'Rat Rod' Is the indian blankets painted on or something else?


Building with a young person really brings the true meaning of modeling enjoyment out!

38(t) cont... 1/2 way there! 23 3/4 hours more to go.

The tracks were molded out of a rubber plastic? Anyhow only a new #11 blade would touch this material. Top track detail added with a hot flat blade screw driver.

Turret just resting on top for photo. Interior of 37mm cannon scratch built & ready for paint.

I have suprised myself with the speed its all coming together, so far about 6 quality bench hours and ready (almost for paint!) Will fab up some sort of base to present the tiny tank for my deadline of 6:30 pm Atlantic time, Sunday Nov. 14th.

Dave (host)

Sorry for the attitude, it was directed at another Dave earlier on in the thread.

Knock knock.....

'Who's there?'

'Pssst its me... Dave, open the door I got the stuff...'


jk jk jk Anyhow see you all at the finish line!

*Bonus points for guessing the origin of the quote.



  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Saturday, November 13, 2010 5:00 PM

Great progress guys!

Always great to see the variety of builds in these 48 hours of madness.

Before I packed up last night I assembled the cockpit, almost forgot the weights!

I didn't get back to the bench until late this afternoon, however I managed to get the cockpit on, as well as the intakes, which don't fit too well, but I know that's me rushing rather than the kit.

Masking the canopy was a pain in the backside, as it's got lots of curves and the indentations on the moulding are quite faint.

I initially masked up the rear wheel bays, but ended up  adding the main gear, as fitting it later looks like being difficult due to me attaching the forward bay doors early.

Next step up was the white..

Since then I've painted the Gull Grey, and am about to mask up the area around the burner can, wing leading edges and radome for painting before I head off to bed.


Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Huntington, WV
Posted by Kugai on Saturday, November 13, 2010 5:07 PM



I take it  you have cats?  I have two and I'm very fortunate to have a separate room where to model in where I can close the door.  Hope you can get your repair sorted quickly.


D'oh!  Yeah, six of them.  I was so aggravated and distracted multitasking on typing while plotting how to fix things that I didn't mention that by "them" I meant the cats.  I didn't think they were getting up on the mantel because nothing else up there's been moved ( including sub-assemblies from previous projects! ), so the parts on the floor this morning were an irritating surprise.

As for the seperate room idea, I tend to run the TV for background noise/reference while working on kits and the fuzzballs have usually been well-behaved, so I haven't seen the need for that yet.

My fix for this was CA glue.  I'd already sprayed primer on that sub-assembly, so cement would likely have gotten messed up by the paint.  Also, the fact that the 3 points I would have had to put cement on were so small that they wouldn't have held up well after reconstruction.  So despite the odds of a somewhat "fuzzy" looking sectionon the nose gear caused by the reaction of paint over CA, I'm going to go with that option as a compromise of "it ain't pretty, but it won't break as quickly."

I'm taking pics as I go, but because of the time limit I'll wait til later to post them.  It'll give me something to do when I get to the "nothing else happening til the paint dries" point later.

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Saturday, November 13, 2010 5:12 PM

A bit of a setback.  Went to shoot the landing platform yellow, and the paint had gone bad.Boo Hoo  Hoping it's dry soon so I can reprimer and shoot with some new paint once I get back from the hobby shop (again).Bang Head

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Nashville, TN area
Posted by bobbaily on Saturday, November 13, 2010 5:45 PM

Thanks all for the encouraging words.

Jason-I saw Agent G take a piece of paper, use some ink markers and make a blanket for his rat rod build.  I cheated-Google'd 'Indian blanket' and found a picture of six different ones.  Printed, trimmed and dipped in white glue/water mixture.  Next time I'll use more glue-started coming up as it dries.  Or try some other type of adhesive....maybe rubber cement?

Here's the pics of where I'm at.  I'm calling it finished although I didn't do the 'dot filtering' yet.  Maybe another day.  My intent is to use this kit as a test bed for weathering.  The kit itself (AMT) wasn't bad....plenty of detail....great  426 wedge engine and a flat head with Offy heads & dual  carb intake.  However, fit was an issue in more than a couple of places.  Given more time.....and could be turned into a great build. 

Here's the interior & engine after an artist oil wash

Here's the finished build.  I'll try to take the Merc' outside tomorrow and get some better pics:

Dave-many thanks for hosting this fine affair.  This is the first kit that I've actually finished in over a year-there are 4 or 5 planes at various stages of completion, any where from 60% to 95%, sitting in the work room.  Maybe this will inspire me to start doing some modeling in the evening/weekends.

And to everyone else who is participating-keep up the good work.  Again, some very ambitious projects here...I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's finished builds.




  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Saturday, November 13, 2010 5:46 PM

24 1/2 hours down, 23 1/2 to go.

Got the tracks assembled this morning (in two pieces each... so they can be removed once the glue has dried), but still have to paint the roadwheel rubber, and I'm going to try the rustall that has been sitting on the shelf for over a year and (as yet) never used (for the tracks) .
Anyway... you can't see any of it because I have masket it off with aluminium foil.

I have done the silly putty mask for the first camo colour, and I'm about to fire up the airbrush and lay down some brown (maybe... or green... yet to decide).

So far the build is right on schedule (I would prefer to be a little ahead of schedule) so every available minute is precious... so I'd better get on with it.


PS looking good guys,

Kugai: Do you think the cats know you are under the pump... and have plotted against you?

  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Saturday, November 13, 2010 6:27 PM

The brown is down!!!

just thought I'd take advantage of the drying time, (or is that 'use it wisely') and post a progress pic. Can't wait too long between coats with this stuff as a mask, it is not very stable.


Ok, that's long enough
Back to it


ps "Daves not here"

  • Member since
    July 2008
  • From: Florida
Posted by Railfan 233 on Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:03 PM

I got an up-date on the flat-car. It's comming along nicely, and I should be done later on tonight, by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

Here's the plate steel load, in all of it's rusting glory (I know it's kind of heavy on rust. I can never go light with the stuff. I love it!)

Here's a test- fit on the flatcar, with some of the cribbing under it. I'm going to possibly add one more stick to the cribbing, and then I'll get to work on using some sewing elastic to simulate tie-downs.  I also plan on adding some odd bits of stripwood leftover from another project to simulate some trash that got thrown onto the car at various points in it's journy.


That's it from me for today. Now for the fun part, super-gluing everything down, and calling it done (I hate using super-glue. I always manage to get stuck to somethingIndifferent), White, and YOU! group build of 2010

  • Member since
    September 2007
  • From: Crystal Lake, IL
Posted by firesmacker on Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:13 PM

Looks good, Railfan.

Got her buttoned up and the NMF finished:

The finish is a little scratchy but there is really no time for the required TLC. I think I'm done for the night. I'm being a pretty crappy host to my guests.

Thanks for looking.



  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:37 PM

Brown is masked


and now its green


Now the fun begins... removing the mask.


  • Member since
    November 2012
Posted by dioramator on Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:02 PM

OK, the bandages have been removed
was it a success? yes and no, it's not perfect, but good enough for now.

The brown turned out a bit more pink than I would have liked, but I should be able to do a colour correction with a filter wash.


  • Member since
    September 2004
  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:19 PM

Great work everyone!!!  Propeller

Bob:  Stunning work.  Love the interior!!!

Quick update:  Major assembly is done except the undercarriage but that is almost done too now.


  • Member since
    November 2010
Posted by Fullscalemodeler on Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:41 PM

Hey Brett, Sean here!! I was so impressed with this site i joined! Hope I dont lose track of it, so keep sending me links to cool stuff,

  • Member since
    March 2010
  • From: Brisbane
Posted by Julez72 on Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:45 PM

Great work gents, I got my staff car ready for paint, pics up later on tonight after i paint the OD and leave it overnight to dry......




  • Member since
    November 2010
Posted by Fullscalemodeler on Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:08 PM

G'day Mate, cool rod!! I've done a few grafix/effects on bikes(fullsize) using a process called Acrylistration.(Not sure on exact spelling). Basically, print what you want onto selected paper, photo paper comes up glossy, normal paper comes up matt, then spray several coats of acrylic clear coat, up to 10 for larger, 15 x 15cm & bigger, prints to make them more robust, but smaller pieces, or maybe people who are a bit more patient & gentle than me, can use less coats.

Leave to cure untill cured well enough to handle, anywhere from hours, to a day for thicker coats, then soak in water and GENTLY rub the paper from the back, untill you are left with just clear & ink.

To apply, simply spray the back of it and where it will sit with clear, press it on expelling all (if any) air, and then overcoat with clear to ensure solvent "regooeys" the whole thing. Bigger decals can come out reasonably thick, but as the print is at the back, you can sand it back almost to nothing. Gloss level will depend on paint used & final polishing.

Thinner pieces can be formed around parts while in the "gooey" stage of application.

Due to the thickness and poor attribites of acrylic, it hates UV, so after 5 or more years in the sun it will craze a bit, but I'd doubt that many of your models will spend everyday out in the carpark!

I've used it for difficult to reproduce effects, and as a cheaper alternative to buying different body art. Hope this helps. Sean.

  • Member since
    September 2004
  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:25 PM

Julez!!!  Was beginning to give up on you!  Welcome to the show.

Sean:  Welcome to FSM.  That's an interesting technique that I'll have to keep in mind for future reference.



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