Ahh, 2 Eduard Doras in one box, double the madness pleasure, double the pain fun. Grats on the addition Clemens, can't wait to see what you can do with those!!
Got a good bit done last night working on the A8. Got the pics taken and then was called away for a bit of an emergency so I didn't have time to post them so here goes today!
Work this evening started on trying to get the pit finished up and the fuse closed. All the pe goodies were added from the Eduard etch set. They really really need to make an adjustment on their RLM66, soon.
With that being done, it was inserted into the fuse from the rear and the fuse was glued up. Moving on to the wings, I like how Eduard did the cannon bays in the wing roots on teh A's better, The walls of the bay are in fact molded into the wing so their placement is exact. Had to drill out the ports for the outer cannons and the pitot and then attached the upper wings. Here it is test fit to the fuse with the cannons just makeshift installed to see how it looked.
Looking pretty mean to me!!
Now, on the fit of the wing assembly to the main fuselage, and I know these are words you rarely hear when talking or reading about these kits............it may be the best wing root fit I have ever seen. And that is no joke, check it out!
and even the gun covers on this kit were a very damn good fit.
So having gotten to this point, I have been dying to get the engine mount system attached and get the bay painted and prepped for the engine. At first I though this whole assembly was very flimsy and too weak to support the engine. After glueing it in though, it was easy to see that the forward framework that the engine actually attaches to rests on top of the gear bay cover so it has a lot of support.
And that is where she stands now. Hoping to get some more bench time in tonight and get some paint on the engine bay, then start assembling the engine. I want to get this one caught up with the Dora and have them both in the paint booth at the same time, there is just so many more parts on this one.