That's a great fix you did there, Bill! Looks really cool IMO!
I made some (minor) progress as well (This will be a picture-heavy post):
I filled/sanded the huge gaps on the right gun-hatch:
Wings are glued together as well:
The wing joins are going to need a lot of fillin/sanding as well (note that what looks like a gap is actually a step between the wing halves):
I glued the ailerons in place:
A quick dry-fitting session revealed that the wing-root join is as perfect as it can get (it's perfectly flush when you apply a wee bit of pressure):
But only on the right side (a spreader-bar will help a bit, but there is still a gap to fill):
It's starting to look like a plane right now:
My Dora limited-edition arrived today as well:
I expexted the box to be a lot more damaged to get 1/3rd off (I love Hannants!):
The box is bursting with goodies (I can't close it up completely anymore):
And I even got a cute little Me262 in 1/144 (yay!). This will be my first (and probably only) build in this scale:
I'l l build the D-9 supplied with the AM decal sheet I showed you earlier and this D-11:
And now for some really special decals:
Most kits you can buy in Austria come from Germany. As you might (or might not) know, it is forbidden by the government to use swastikas in Germany and Austria. (Not a very nice part of our history...) But there is one exception in Austria only: It is completely legal to use swastikas on scale models, as long as they are used to make the model historically accurate. This is not the case in Germany. So most kits I can get here in Austria have all swastikas censored. But now I have some of those to put on my German planes!
And now for some kinda strange food/drinks:
I was at a Chinese restaurant with the family 2 days ago and decided to go a little bit experimental regarding my dessert and my drinks:
The dessert was some mango-creme with heaps of strange fruits (it was delicious!):
And I had this strange looking drink:
It's a tea made out of flowers which has a nice shade of blue (no food colors added):
As soon as you pour some lemon-juice in the drink, it becomes magenta:
I won't be able to make any progress today, as I am ill ATM and don't feel like doing some work on my model builds at all. I went to the drug store and got myself some medicine and I hope that I feel better soon.
Cheers, Clemens