To seek out...
Captain's Build Log, Stardate 1306.27. Just when you think work is progressing at a frenetic impulse, it suddenly slows to a crawl and minor things become major. A massive undertaking to reshape the bottom of the saucer section is underway, engendering a complete overhaul of plans. When I inquired of my Chief Engineer why this change was being instigated, he replied, "Ah! Don'na ya know it'll make the ship go faster!" then walked away. In retrospect, considering there is no friction in space, I think he was joking... though he did later mention putting racing stripes on the sides for the same reason.
Okay, it seems everyone is getting something accomplished, except me. Time for another update!
The upper saucer has been sanded smooth, and the "impulse accelerator" (I just go with it) has been filed and reshaped. Still needs some touch up work, but it's getting there.
The bottom of the saucer has been the hold up in this operation, as it is undergoing "intensive" sanding and filing. It still isn't done. I filled in the three dimples on the bottom with putty and sanded off the grid rings. They'll be rescribed once the sanding is done.
Tired of using a file, I decided to start reshaping the secondary hull, which included building a new hangar bay door and reshaping the hull around it with putty.
This is coming along nicely, and the doors are about ready for test fit and installation. The piece of plastic will go behind the doors in the hull to fill in the gaps.
That's about it for me. Thanks for reading!
PS> To answer an earlier question, this is the AMT/ERTL model USS Enterprise, although this one is from 1980 vintage and had undergone some changes. The fit on this model is terrible! And that may be why I'm modifying it so much.
Also, if you want to see what I'm trying to follow as a build guide, take a look at this thread. I don't think I'll worry about the lengths so much.