I wanted to try and knock the exterior paint out in the next couple of days since that takes the longest to dry, so I panel scribed and primed the main body parts. I also did the spoon test since I haven't sprayed with the Testors Aztek series acrylics yet. I chose pearl red for the lower portion of the body, and pearl white for the upper portion. I am not totally sold on the pearl white just yet because it didn't seem to flow like I wanted it too, but we will see. If I don't like it, I might go with bright white or titanium... haven't decided yet. Clear coat will be Tamiya with a light brown/beige interior.
My plan is the split the car right at the top of the molding line that runs the length of the car and divide it in half. Top half pearl white, lower half pearl red. We will see...
It's hard to tell that the white is pearl.
I ordered the Master Tools-Line Engraver off of Amazon and it's a useful little tool. Well worth the $10.00.
The panel/body lines are really defined now, which I really like. One day I will venture into cutting the doors and trunk out. One day... lol
Here is what I envision the stance to be. I know, I know... not many people are a fan of the "big wheels", but they fit so good in the big wheel wells.