Okay, lots to catch up on here so bear with me.
David: Great work on the u-boat. looks like a nice little kit. I will update the front page to show you've completed your build.
Wulf: Welcome to the build! What procedures are you asking about? The ever confusing AM instruction sheet or the GB rules? If it is the GB rules read the first page but basically just build it by the end date of the GB (Aug. 1) and try to post as many in progress pics as possible as you go. If you are referring to the kit you are doing there are others here doing the same kit that I am sure can help you out.
Chris: Sorry to hear about the Venturas and that life is gettting in the way of your modeling. Hang in there and hopefully things will turn out for ya.
Jay: No progress as yet on the destroyers. They are up next as soon as I complete the Sunderland which will hopefully be this weekend. Lots of other non-modeling projects on the go right now too as well as other "Life" issues so I do what I can.