Sherman- T-4 looks to be comming along great, I love the looks of some of them Rusky birds. Almost "only a mother could love" ugly. I like it!!!
Luftwoller- You present something for judgement, and say "be kind", (as I read in another post) Thou shalt be judged harshly!!! That said........ AWESOME!!! pit looks great, fig looks great(where'd he come from?). I'm not just being kind, great work....hats off to ya!
Kermit- Very nice, I've done 2 Hasi. 51s, the first....not so good. I had to take another shot at it, did a lot of extra work and came out nice, decent kit. Looking forward to the end results
As for me, the T-6s have been put on hold til I can get some pics, and I'm gonna take a little break from the shiny and clean, and go to dirty and green. Today at work, the DEA came in with a couple MI-NG OH-58s, I got inspired, so I'll be spending a little time with the rotorheads, if they'll have me!
I'll keep checkin in around here, and will be back with a T-6.........maybe 4 or 5!!!
Yes, I was a hairhead!!!