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ME-262: Reich Defender II 10/09-7/10

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  • Member since
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  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 3:31 PM

Aaron, what are those destructions luking under the 262?

Are we in for an Me 262/V2 Mistel combo.

Now that would have been a wild ride!Shock [:O]

Nice job on the 262 by the way.


Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
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  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 3:35 PM

Mike- Love your man cave, I'm jealous!

Aaron- Nice work on the office! 


aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 12:03 AM

Man, this GB gets off to an early start and I find myself putting in some 11-12 hour shifts with the new job the last couple of days.  More of the same tomorrow.  Sigh [sigh]  Anyhoo... Looks like my Brother and his family are not going to make it for Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend so I may have some extra time at the bench to snip some sprue on a Me 262.

Mike, that hobby room looks first rate.  Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup]

Aaron, already closing up the fuse? Shock [:O]  Sheesh!  Save something for the Weekend GB Eh!  Love the new avatar by the way.  Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup]


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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 9:01 AM

Ah, that newly opened model feeling. So much potential... the fine little details, the clever engineering...

I love that feeling. Smile [:)]


  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by WarHammer25 on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 8:02 PM
 Daywalker wrote:

Brendan- Right on, Sign - Welcome [#welcome] to the GB!  Hope you're ready for some good old fashioned model building and fun. 

I most certainly am Frank. I can see that this will be a real fun one with the people that are involved in this.

 KJ200 wrote:

Aaron, what are those destructions luking under the 262?

Are we in for an Me 262/V2 Mistel combo.

Now that would have been a wild ride!Shock [:O]

Nice job on the 262 by the way.


Now that seems right up Aaron's alley. Something a little on the wild side. Big Smile [:D] And what a wild ride that would have been! Now back to reallity: Nice work on the office Aaron.

ruddratt: Man, I am jealous of that work room. That is very nice! My workroom is my bedroom so it gets a little crowded sometimes.

The only easy day was yesterday - U.S. Navy Seals
  • Member since
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  • From: Relocating
Posted by Mobious on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 8:16 PM
 Hey Ruddratt, a great looking place. Everything in it's place, My bench has everything everyplace. I'm due for a workbench overhaul, you've got some cool ideas I'll be cueing from. Especially like the paintbooth, a convenient location. Thanks for sharing the workspace photo's.

"It's a problem of applied physics" Roy Brown

  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 8:49 PM

Hey Frank, I was going through my stash and found this...

Would you consider allowing this as an entry for this GB?  It's basically has the Me 262 wings and engines with an enlarged fuselage.  I know this is pushing it but I thought it would be pretty cool to compare.


  • Member since
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  • From: Smithers, BC, Canada
Posted by ruddratt on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 9:04 PM

Hey fellas! Thanks much for the comments on the man cave! Much appreciated! Thumbs Up [tup]  Just finished assembly on a permanent photo booth, and added one last security measure. Was helping a buddy move today and something caught my eye - a 30 year old long abandoned hornets nest about the size of a basketball in the corner of his garage. Think I'll hang it just outside the entry door. Evil [}:)]


 "We have our own ammunition. It's filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes pretty pictures....scares the hell outta people."


  • Member since
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  • From: Smithers, BC, Canada
Posted by ruddratt on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 9:07 PM
Cool subject Dave! I'm hopin' it's a "yes" - would love to see that guy built up! Thumbs Up [tup]


 "We have our own ammunition. It's filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes pretty pictures....scares the hell outta people."


  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, October 8, 2009 4:51 AM

 That is an odd one Dave!  Were all the guns pointed to the rear?  Yowza! Looks like 2 30MM and those 410 remote jobbers in the tail!  With 262 engines! Freaky!

Hmmmm in the 262 world I have fought the urge to go too crazy. Yet  Propeller [8-]

Painting left me feeling unsatisfied with the engine as it was over simplified. I figured I owe it to you all to try to jazz it up a bit, gathered a few things to spruce up the engine!  Stretched Sprue painted semigloss Black and some wire. and a bunch of old PE scraps from ship railings and whatever I have worked on lately. Oh and a dead mosquito killed trying to attack!  Them things are still out to get ya through Christmas down these parts!Grumpy [|(]

 So I redid the plumbing with what little I know and using the molded on squiggles as a guide. Added some more convincing fuse boxes and celinoid thingies. Drilled holes where I wanted them and CA'ed the black stretched sprue and wires along the path.

 Then I tookthe frets from the PE railings I used on my last ship builds and cut them and circled them over the plastic framing. This added depth and covered the plumbing to give a passing thru appearance.

Added some thicker cut frets to the chamber next to the last as it had molded on detail and I think that the PE gives it a deeper more defined visable look. and lastly cut off the molded on linkage?  and replaced it with brass rod.

Still need to patch up and repaint stuff but you can see the diff( I hope) for the better.

Nothing too special just using scraps and garbage off the bench to try and be inventive.  Did these pipings have any color the destructions say  just black and I am following the suggested color on the chambers with the exception of using a couple diff tones of silver yo add a bit of pizzazz! Oh yeah did a bit on the gear as well.

 Ok so If I wanna show an open engine it kinda looks the part a bit better I think.

Let me know how bad I am messing up? What do you expect? I working with dead bugs and Garbage here! litterally! Get it litter? Oh nevermind! Jeeze! Black Eye [B)]



  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:03 AM

Looking good from here Sarge. I think i detected a stray leg poking out of the compressor housing. Very convincing. Seriously though. Its looking great chum. I think they call it 'Gizmology'  The adding of scrap and bugs to add interest to a piece.

Gear legs are looking top notch too. Is that an ejector mark right on the oleo of the nose leg?


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:25 AM
 Luftwoller wrote:

Gear legs are looking top notch too. Is that an ejector mark right on the oleo of the nose leg?


A what? A ejectormarkertological error? I don't believe we have those here in the States? Whistling [:-^]Wink [;)]

We do have Oreo cookies though!

  • Member since
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  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:51 AM
Aaron   DO YOU SLEEP MAN??  You build more in 3 days then I do in 3 weeks.  By the way looks great


  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, October 8, 2009 6:14 AM

 tempestjohnny wrote:
Aaron   DO YOU SLEEP MAN??  You build more in 3 days then I do in 3 weeks.  By the way looks great

Not lately. Sadly sleep is avoiding me Johnny and effecting my pleasant demeaner leaving just the mean behind.  I am hiding out trying to not become Oscar!Confused [%-)]Disapprove [V]

  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Thursday, October 8, 2009 6:21 AM

Dave- I think you're right- it would be a very cool comparison of that kit along with a -262.  I added it to your list! Big Smile [:D]

Aaron- I love the creative gizmology on your engines!  And brake lines to the gear, superb!  And here we thought we would have to keep an eye on you to keep you in line, and really it's to see the phenomenal work you're doing!  Well done Mac, looking forward to seeing more. 



  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by WarHammer25 on Thursday, October 8, 2009 6:28 AM

Aaron: The added detail looks great on the engines. Same with the gear legs. Nothing wrong with adding some scraps and bugs. And I can see that your 262 is well on its way to becoming an ace mosquito killer. Wink [;)]

Maybe I need to start staying up late and building. It always seems like you are done before I even start glueing sprue.

The only easy day was yesterday - U.S. Navy Seals
  • Member since
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  • From: Smithers, BC, Canada
Posted by ruddratt on Thursday, October 8, 2009 9:32 AM

Dang it, Guy! Now I need to get mine eyes checked. Studied that pic for an ejector mark and saw nada. Did see the mossie though, so all hope is not lost! Tongue [:P]

Aaron, you are a machine, man!! That engine looks like it's ready to fire up!! Now, I'm not familiar with the ins & outs of the Hasegawa kit, but are we going to see all that outstanding engine work on the finished product? I'll be displaying one engine on my Trump kit, but it's going to require more than a bit of surgery to accomplish.


 "We have our own ammunition. It's filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes pretty pictures....scares the hell outta people."


  • Member since
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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Thursday, October 8, 2009 9:44 AM

Dave - That is one wicked mean aircraft. I bet whoever flew up on its tail went fulll to flaps real quick.

Aaron -  Steller work on the turbine, that is what I expect to see around here. Lots of bitsand pieces being used for super detail. I have a pile of that stuff on the floor under my bench, except for the mosquito.. I never could find where you used that pesky critter. Wink [;)] Those wings look just the right size for a quarter turn access panel fastener.Thumbs Up [tup]

Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
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  • From: Wirral. UK
Posted by Spike190 on Thursday, October 8, 2009 11:20 AM
Aaron your gonna be done before I even open the box! Nice work so far.

Frank can you update me please, I'm gonna do this one.

Wont be for a while but at least I've got a kit now.


Mike  Toast


  • Member since
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  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Thursday, October 8, 2009 12:00 PM

Aaron- Really nice work on the old Jumo there!  I hope you're going to leave a nacelle open to show that off.

aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Thursday, October 8, 2009 2:15 PM

 Spike190 wrote:

Frank can you update me please, I'm gonna do this one.

Wont be for a while but at least I've got a kit now.


Right on Mike!  List updated. Thumbs Up [tup]



  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Thursday, October 8, 2009 2:24 PM
Tamiyas 1A is definately a popular Kit in this GB for sure LOL. My bits have arrived for my canon nose. ill post a pic or two when i get in from work...Guy
..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, October 8, 2009 3:00 PM

 I was wondering if anyone was building the old Monogram kit? Just wondering how it compared to the Tamiya kit?  I don't have the Tamiya kit but I am guessing it must be a gem to be so popular!  Does anyone have any in progress pics of it yet?  Hehehehehehe!

Thanks Frank!  I'm Hiding out from that Hellcat! Shock [:O]Black Eye [B)]

  • Member since
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  • From: Smithers, BC, Canada
Posted by ruddratt on Thursday, October 8, 2009 3:09 PM

 Luftwoller wrote:
Tamiyas 1A is definately a popular Kit in this GB for sure LOL. My bits have arrived for my canon nose. ill post a pic or two when i get in from work...Guy

13 out of 30 so far, Guy, if you include the 2A (heck, there's probably just as many Mikes here! Big Smile [:D] ). It's one dandy of a kit. If I had one unbuilt, it'd probably be my entry as well. Guess I'm stuck with the Trumpeter version, which ain't bad. Love the separate flaps & slats. Hate the vinyl tires, though, but I'll try and make 'em work.


 "We have our own ammunition. It's filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes pretty pictures....scares the hell outta people."


  • Member since
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  • From: Bicester, England
Posted by KJ200 on Thursday, October 8, 2009 3:41 PM

Aaron, great job on the engine detailing.

Having built the Dragon 262, the Tamiya kit is a million times better.

I know everyone raves about the detail on the Dragon kit, but I can't see that it's any better than the Tamiya kit, and that one actually goes together!

And don't write the Pegasus Hobbies kit of either...

One for you Frank perhaps?Wink [;)]



Currently on the bench: AZ Models 1/72 Mig 17PF

  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by WarHammer25 on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:06 PM

Guy: I am interested to see the U4 built. It was definitely a unique bird! Must have been kind of weird flying around with a huge "telephone pole" sticking out of your nose. I hope I can get my hands on a Tamiya A-1a to build the A-1a/U5 version to add another unique 262 to this GB. I think that Heinz Bär and Willi Herget actually flew the two together during their time with JV-44.

Aaron: Have you built the Monogram 262? I was just wondering because you can pick them up for cheap. Are they worth the time or not?

Karl: I still can't believe that is the Pegasus kit! I almost picked one up the other day remembering this build but decided I didn't have enough in the spare box to make one as nice as yours.

The only easy day was yesterday - U.S. Navy Seals
  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:27 PM
 Daywalker wrote:

Dave- I think you're right- it would be a very cool comparison of that kit along with a -262.  I added it to your list! Big Smile [:D]

Thanks Frank!  Propeller [8-]Propeller [8-]Propeller [8-]  I was comparing the parts last night and the wing/engine assembly is an exact match of the 262.  I started cutting sprue on the 1/72 Hasegawa Me 262 B-1a/U1 last night and plan to do a quick OOB build on that.  Hope to have construction complete this weekend since it's a long one.  I also hope to still do the Academy Me 262 A-1a and I want to do it with the full PE set.  How long did you say this GB would go???  

Aaron, awesome work on the engines.  I can't figure out what you used the mosquito for either. Confused [%-)]


  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:29 PM
 KJ200 wrote:

WOW!!!  Shock [:O]  That is a beautiful paint job Karl!!!  Bow [bow]Bow [bow]Bow [bow]


  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:32 PM

 I built the Monogram one as a child a few days back now. I was thinking of trying to find the parts. Memory wise It seemed as good as any other Monogram kit of the time. Probably more little things in it than in this 1/32 Hasegawa kit.  I shall have to see. I think it even came with it's own engine and 2 standing crew fellows that were pretty nice.  Outta try and find a new one may be worth the fun. The intrest in the Tamyia kit has me stoked though!

What in the world is this?

Looks great but I thought we were building this? Oh dear!


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Posted by soulcrusher on Thursday, October 8, 2009 5:43 PM

Someone who has way to much money and time on his hands Sarge! Heck if you are going top go that far you might as well buy one of the reproduction 262's that are being built in Germany right now. Has anyone here seen one of them in person? It looks like the real thing. The first pics I saw I thought they were real Me 262's. I did not find out until later that they were reproductions.

                                                                                  SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]



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