Bakster, I've always just put it on. You need to make sure the deck is absolutely clean, no dust, no finger oils. I usually do this with alcohol and a cotton swab. You my want to spray some acrylic gloss in the deck after to help the adhesive adhere but again, make sure the deck is clean before applying the veneer. You'll have one shot at it. If you mess up it can be lifted and reapplied but you run the risk of tearing the wood and/or making the glue less tacky. Use a turret barbet or some other large object to yes as a reference and aline it. If an edge gets stuck down while your doing this don't worry, use an Xacto blade or something to lift it back up. This is why some use a mist of water first . Once down, use a wood dowel or some such to press the veneer down, especially around the deck details.
BTW, I forgot to mention, remove all the little details on the sheet before removing the deck. This will helpvline it up and keep you from frustration when the deck is applied.
Someone may have a better way but that what I've learned through the years.