No, I didn't give up on this ....
It's been a while because I got into putting some wiring on the chassis & started breaking things, so I had to put it down & walk away. I also had to face the moulding issues on my 2-pounder & that was work I didn't enjoy.
Well, I've kinda reached the "done building" point and it's all going in the paint booth. Here are the last unpainted pix you'll get -- the engine compartment.
As of now, most major assemblies -- the chassis, the cab, the 2-pounder mount, and the 2-pounder carriage -- have black primer (primer + pre-shade) on them. I'll focus on cleanup of seams, scratches, glue, etc and then start to paint the desert scheme & details. I also have small parts to build/add -- this will be an iterative process as I go back thru my photos & etc ....
I am still enjoying this build, I just had to get past an ugly spot ....