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Moto GP group build '05

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  • Member since
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  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Monday, February 6, 2006 2:21 AM
Been away for a while, birth of first child...

Cruising through the posts, just awesome work by everybody!

Got a bit done (surprisingly enough) on the duc. Amongst other cleared out the lemon peel to the best of my current abilities. Started decalling. Hmmm... Tabu, despite everybody's good reviews... I was very impressed with the thinness, it goes on like a charm, really settles well, no bad reactions with sol. Yet it left quite a bit of work to be done to make the Marlboro's fit. Did not include the cowl shapes, etc and that had to be cut manually. Also started the front forks, great stuff they are!
  • Member since
    January 2006
  • From: Central Florida
Posted by wolfpac on Sunday, February 5, 2006 11:08 PM
I'm almost finished with McCoy's 99 Yami Red Bull.  I'm not as happy with this one as I am with the M1.  Damn the 2 smokes are harder to build.

If you love your bike let it go. If it comes back to you, you've highsided.
  • Member since
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  • From: Quantico, VA
Posted by Yamafreak72 on Friday, February 3, 2006 5:45 PM
Sorry to hear about the micro-sol, bad batch or bad luck, I guess.  For future reference (or if you want to borrow back your models from your LHS) I used regular Elmer's glue for the radiator screens on mine, and drilled the holes with an X-acto #11 blade. Would like to do some building myself this weekend, but we're hosting an Super Bowl party, and well...I don't think I have to explain further why there's no modeling for me anytime soon.  I have a feeling by the time I get my Hayden bike back on the build table, Tamiya will probably be releasing it as a kit.  Oh well.
Status: Nastro Azzurro NSR 500- finis!
  • Member since
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  • From: Central Florida
Posted by wolfpac on Friday, February 3, 2006 1:49 PM

 Yamafreak72 wrote:
"On and off for about a year"?!  I find that hard to believe given the nice job you've done so far!  So is the second M1 the tabacco version, or Abe's #17?  It looks like you used the detail-up fork set from Tamiya, but I can't see the radiator screen(?).  Really clean build.Approve [^]


Thank you for the complimets!

I started building around April of last year.  I recieved a nice little bonus from work and wanted to give it a try after seeing the models built by Kaz.  I started building them on the balcony of my apartment, but as the summer months rolled in (Florida), the paint would not set right and come out hazey.  When the humidity finally started dropping my wife and I were in the process of buying a house, so I didn't spend the money.  Now that we moved into the house I started back up again.

The second bike I built as the tobacco version (Tabu kit).  When I posted a thread about applying decals I was recomended the micro sol.  I applied the sol to both bikes and the non tobacco version didn't react to well to it (split the 46 on the upper fairing), so I took the plastics off and used it as a frame and power plant display.  They are both currently sitting on display at my LHS.

The fork set is the Tamiya, I just did not have the right glue for the mesh, nor did I have a small enough drill for the camera mounts :(

Thank you again!!!!

If you love your bike let it go. If it comes back to you, you've highsided.
  • Member since
    February 2004
  • From: Quantico, VA
Posted by Yamafreak72 on Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:59 PM
"On and off for about a year"?!  I find that hard to believe given the nice job you've done so far!  So is the second M1 the tabacco version, or Abe's #17?  It looks like you used the detail-up fork set from Tamiya, but I can't see the radiator screen(?).  Really clean build.Approve [^]
Status: Nastro Azzurro NSR 500- finis!
  • Member since
    January 2006
  • From: Central Florida
Posted by wolfpac on Wednesday, February 1, 2006 3:16 PM

I just joined the forums about a month ago, and I've only been building on and off for about a year (I have a lot to learn), but here's a few pics of my recent project.

If you love your bike let it go. If it comes back to you, you've highsided.
  • Member since
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  • From: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted by joelrydh on Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:05 AM

Finished decalling the Kanemoto bike today. Good thing I had a spare sheet cause I ruined one of the lower cowl decals when slicing it for one of the air intake. All in all both decals sheets has been really great working with and can be highly recommended. Now...where's that clear laquer...??


  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by shayne wright on Wednesday, February 1, 2006 3:39 AM
Joel -those NSR's are looking dam fineYeah!! [yeah].rear fenders are looking great

Yamafreak-- The R1 is the Tamyia kit,the superbike i,m doing is Tony Ree's NZ and Aussie superbike 2000-2002.In the NZ superbike class the bikes are just what you can get out of the showroom and there is not a lot of extras that is allowed on them.
I was going to do Nitro Nori's bike from last year but got that Censored [censored] with it that i gave that idea up (coudn't get to grips with the under seat exhaust) Banged Head [banghead]

  • Member since
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  • From: Quantico, VA
Posted by Yamafreak72 on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:13 PM

Looks good, Joel! Thumbs Up [tup] I really like the c/f on the rear fenders. 

Shayne, that 2000 R1 superbike, What kit is that?  I have a 1/1 2001, and would like to do a "what if" model.  As in "what if I made it into a racer?"

Status: Nastro Azzurro NSR 500- finis!
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  • From: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted by joelrydh on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:38 AM

Two computer crashes and quite a bit of modelling time later I'm back with a larger update. Most of the frame/engine parts are finished and put together with the swing and front forks. I have a bit of detailing left, I'm wiring the engines and I'm awaiting an order from detailanddesigninscale containing some clear tube for the brake fluid and tank tubes.
Together with that I'm repainting the lower cowl of the Kanemoto after the paint mishap and clear coating the other parts. All in all there aren't much more than a few percent left. Install the exhaust (wich turned out pretty good after all, phew...) and cowlings together with the handle bars and some additional wiring. Hope to be back soon.

Here are the pics.


  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:51 AM

Progress update on MotoGp bikes so far:

West Honda 100% Complete

Fortuna Yamaha M1 2004 30% Complete

Suzuki RGV500 20% Complete


The Suzuki is the current project and have just finished spraying the Telefonica Blue





  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by shayne wright on Monday, January 30, 2006 3:27 AM
Hi folks back with an update on things are going.
1/ quit work so now have a bit of time on my hands for a couple of weeks anyway till get another job .

2/ models 2004 RCV Nicky Hayden -fin
                KR500 - 80% fin
    2004 duke 50% fin
    2003 spidey M1 0%
    2003 D'Antin 60%
    2003 1/9 duke 60%
    2000 R1 superbike 60%
    1988 1/9 yzr500 10%
    2001 yzr500 0%
    2003 telefoncia Rcv 0%
I'm sure there others ,In my little holiday will get all of the ones that I have started all finished and get some pic's posted asap

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 27, 2006 8:00 AM

Hi Erik


For the BREMBO effect I use enamel Tamiya XF7 diluted slightly about 15% and flood in the BREMBO letters that are recessed in the caliper and then immediately after painting carefully wipe off the excess paint that may have spilled out of the recess with a moist (water) ear bud. The X32 of the caliper may get a little damaged in the ear bud stage but then I just dry brush the X32 back on again. Hope this helps



  • Member since
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  • From: Quantico, VA
Posted by Yamafreak72 on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:56 PM


Nice job on the c/f decals!  I think that's quickly becoming my favorite aftermarket accessory. The rest of the bike looks so good, I think it's kinda a shame to leave off the Michelin decals on the tires. I have a spare set if you want them, just let me know.  They are not the blue block-style, just the plain white lettering.  They've never been easy for me to do either, I've got no tips other than to trim as close to the lettering as possible and be patient.  Maybe somebody else has a work-around? 

Status: Nastro Azzurro NSR 500- finis!
  • Member since
    January 2006
  • From: Central Florida
Posted by wolfpac on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:51 PM
 Andrew Collodel wrote:

The finish on the frame is TS 30 Silver Leaf sprayed through the airbrush. I tried TS17 Gloss Aluminum but I preferred the TS 30 Silver Leaf finish it seemed closer to the real bike. You could use the satin varnish but it might not look smooth enough the finish on the bikes appears to be a polished aluminum which is not always shiny but it does seem smooth. I did try this option but personally preferred the TS30 Silver Leaf finish using the TS spray through the airbrush at 18 psi and not diluted with any thinner.

SeaBee thanks for the tip hope this is better


How did you get the BREMBO painted into the calipers?  I have a technique, but it is pretty sloppy and requires brush painting over the airbrushed calliper.

Very nice job!

Thank you,
If you love your bike let it go. If it comes back to you, you've highsided.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:59 PM
Hi everyone

Well I have been busy this week and have finished the swingarm assembly and put some more of the M1 together.  Heres a pic of the you can see i gave up on the decals on the tyres as i made a total pigs ear of them.....

One problem is that the front fender is so tight on the wheel that the front wheel wont move.  I cant see how i can adjust anything to sort this out.


  • Member since
    February 2004
  • From: Quantico, VA
Posted by Yamafreak72 on Monday, January 23, 2006 9:53 PM

Thanks Andrew,

Can I assume that good old alcohol (rubbing type, not beverage) is a decent thinner for acrylics?  That might be my problem.  Also, I thought I might post a link to some VERY interesting pics.  Opinions?  My first question is, what's Tamiya's next move?  M1-wise I mean.  2005 YZR-M1 in Laguna Seca colors?  '05 in plain old Gauloises?  Even though they're no longer the sponsor (wouldn't matter for a GOOOOOO!!!! bike I guess)?  How long until we see the '06 in Camel colors?  Meanwhile, enjoy if you haven't seen yet...

Status: Nastro Azzurro NSR 500- finis!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 23, 2006 4:23 AM

Hi Yamafreak72

For the exhaust effect I first spray on clear blue sprayed followed by clear yellow on eithe side of the blue and then an overall coat of smoke to tone down the effect. The paint splatter may be that the clear blue is too thick or your air pressure is too high. Try diluting the Tamiya clear blue with a bit more thinners, I often mix as much as 70% thinners with the clear blue and then mist it on and build up the colour where I need it. Try a low pressure I work at 12 to 18 psi. Hope that helps


  • Member since
    February 2004
  • From: Quantico, VA
Posted by Yamafreak72 on Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:43 PM


Nice build.  Along with the others, let me add my admiration of that glossy black finish.  Also, you've done quite a job on the exhaust bluing, something I'm still trying to perfect.  My airbrush for some reason, does not like Tamiya's clear blue.  It always ends up splattering a bit and the whole effect is lost.  You also used clear orange to get the effect, am I right?  My builds are a bit stalled at the moment as I am trying to get my 1/1 YZF-R1 prepped for the road.  It's been in the 70's (F) here in Texas.  In January! 

Status: Nastro Azzurro NSR 500- finis!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:09 AM

Hi Joel

The clear I use is Tamiya TS 13 Spray Paint decanted into my airbrush with a pressure of 18 psi and sprayed without dilution. However the colours underneath are also high gloss and this gives the shine some depth. I try and get the spray on wet and ususally lay down two mist coats to seal the decals and then one or two very wet coats (runs are a risk though). I also only spary on hot dry days as for some reason this give the glossest finish, not sure why but it works.


  • Member since
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  • From: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted by joelrydh on Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:42 AM

I agree to the reply of Shaun, lovely shine on those cowlings Andrew. What type of clear have you been using? Decal work seems absolutely flawless as well. Stunning work!

best regards


  • Member since
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  • From: Brisbane, Australia
Posted by shaun68 on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:23 PM
Ooohh, that is nice Andrew. Love the gloss finish on the black. In fact, it looks so damn good, you'd swear it was a diecast.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:08 AM

The finish on the frame is TS 30 Silver Leaf sprayed through the airbrush. I tried TS17 Gloss Aluminum but I preferred the TS 30 Silver Leaf finish it seemed closer to the real bike. You could use the satin varnish but it might not look smooth enough the finish on the bikes appears to be a polished aluminum which is not always shiny but it does seem smooth. I did try this option but personally preferred the TS30 Silver Leaf finish using the TS spray through the airbrush at 18 psi and not diluted with any thinner.

SeaBee thanks for the tip hope this is better


  • Member since
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  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:19 AM
Andrew, it looks good. Only prob is that you're linking to your thumbnail previews in photobucket, as with the previous shots as well. (Most likely you R-click -> properties...) Anyways, in photobucket, if you click on your pic, it shows the original with the correct detail underneath, one of the line including the IMG brackets. You can just copy that whole line and paste it here to make a direct link to your original picture.

Hope it help, if it added confusion (I'm good at that! Evil [}:)]) just shout and I'll try to clarify...
  • Member since
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  • From: NJ 07073
Posted by archangel571 on Monday, January 16, 2006 12:18 PM

cool, though the pix are kinda small...  but from the finish, did you redo the aluminum-sim chrome plate tamiya? 

Can I just use Satin clear coat from MicroScale to dull down the finish from Tamiya's plating?  Or should I just strip the whole thing off and redo it with aluminum, Alclad or ModelMaster or baremetal foil (have that too but that's crazy talk...)?

-=Ryan=- Too many kits... so little free time. MadDocWorks
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 16, 2006 5:09 AM

Below Pictures of the completed West RC211V 2002


  • Member since
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  • From: Paarl, South Africa
Posted by SeaBee on Monday, January 16, 2006 12:29 AM
True, he wears yellow anyways... But hey, personally I'd like to see hom on a bike till the end of his racing career! But he's such a talented driver that he'd do well wherever he goes, IF he goes.

Back to my exhausts. What a pleasant surprise... I buffed the paint to bring out the metal. Absolutely stunning! Some unevenness, but due to the hidden nature of the Duc exhausts, I'll just leave it for this round. Will use a/b in future... Can anybody tell me what the effect of clearcoat will be on this paint? Will it take away the "natural metal" finish or will it help to preserve it? I allready saw it does not like being touched heavily after buffing - goes dull again if you grip the one end to buff the other end (with "unprotected" fingers, that is)
  • Member since
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  • From: Brisbane, Australia
Posted by shaun68 on Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:16 PM
You're right Shayne. He has openly said he prefers Rallying to F1. If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure Davids Richards & Lapworth have shown some considerable interest in him, to the point of an open contract. Don't quote me though. He certainly fits the SWRT style.Tongue [:P]
  • Member since
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Posted by shayne wright on Friday, January 13, 2006 8:15 PM
Hi guysI was watching I think it was the discovery chanel on satalite the other day and there was this programme about the ultimate race car ,can't remeber was the name was,but anyway the showed how they make all of the carbon fibre bit for the F1 cars,I thought they were moulded but they actually used strips of c/f fabric a bit like duct tape then I lost it  due to atmospheric conditionsCensored [censored].
So I'm keeping an eye out for it in case it is on again.Was just wondering if anyone else has seen somthing like it beforeQuestion [?].

Don't think rossi will b wearing the yellow of camel seeing how he be running his on sponsers this year
he do not like baccy sponsers very much,when he dos leave motogp think he might do rally instead of F1 since he has been doing itialian rally every year for last couple of years.WEven though Mclaren have got Marlboro sponership this year .
Even though saying all this I have been proved wrong before and will eat my hat if not happen (don't wear a hat)My 2 cents [2c].Laugh [(-D]

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 13, 2006 3:42 AM

Hi SeaBee. I have has similar problems with brush painting Humbrol Polished Steel and the Humbrol Gun Metal. They do airbrush ok but as you saw you can not paint over them as they lift and make a real mess, so I do not use them much anymore. I have used the Humbrol Metalised Black with some success but only through my airbrush. I did have to dilute the black quite a bit with enamel thinners but it sprayed on smooth enough. I have since switched to Tamiya TS Spray paints decanted into my airbrush and the final finish is much smoother and glossier.  Have a look at the two bikes below and see what you think of the different finishes.


The Yamaha YZR 500 was sprayed with Humbrol Metallic Black



The Suzuki 1300 Hyabusa was sprayed with Tamiya TS from an airbrush





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