Harv, I use that style of cabinet in my workshop too, I think I got mine at Target.
Carlos, good thing you asked, I had forgotten to take any cockpit photos. Never mind the ejector pin mark on the seat back, it will leave soon. This isn't the best cockpit I've ever done, it's sort of taking a back seat to the wing work on this one. The fit of the tub to the fuselage and my doubts about the panel being as large as it should be have not helped. Also, I goofed on the color. Just after I finished painting it I read that it should be interior green or black on an A thru E Sabre. I do like the dark gull grey, though. My F-86E would have had a grey interior, I'm sure of that. My CC might have hated me, but he would paint it grey for me, wouldn't he?