Manstein's revenge: pays to read a few build reviews---also watch the placement of part 9 in step 3--it says in the same review that this is shown going in upside down...
Just took a minute to read through that review and it seems that, though it's obviously the same mold, there are a few differences between that kit and the current boxing. The boxart is different, it has different decals and the styrene is grey, not green. Just took a moment to take this picture:
Ofcourse i could be wrong and i can't really recall having trouble there but it seems either your reviewer was wrong or the instructions have been reworked. Looks right to me. Step 10 shows the same assembly being glued in and looking just the same.
These decals were just fine to me (try the academy decals i used for their F86 and THOSE are bad). The only decal that has an excessive amount of film would be number 7. These are the red outline-stripy-thingies that go on the wing and are filled in with carrier film. No silvering on my completed model though...
The card stock filling of the engine compartiments look like a sensible thing to do, have to agree