I also forgot to mention the other fun I had with the cooler!
I removed the covers to it Tuesday evening, both inside and out, and when I got up Wed morning, I was greeted by yellow jackets flying all over the house! Seems they had gotten into a small opening in the bottom and built a nest! I was late to work as I waged a war on them and then managed to spray their nest with some killer! I still found a few of them when I got home from work!
Now I don't have the allergic reaction that Ken has to them, none the less, the last time I tangled with them, I received 3 very painful stings and afterwards experienced flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, etc. The sting on my leg developed into a sore that took months to heal, and I still have a scar!! Needless to say, I have a little bit of fear of those little b*stards! Hate them!